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BURNING 2x10 ____________________________________

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Everest had returned to Camp Jaha with zero problems. All that was on her mind was seeing Murphy, she was homesick for him after the almost week without him.

"Open the gate!" Everest shouted to the Guard, the doors opening shortly after.

As Everest made her way inside the camp her eyes searched for the object of her desire. She nibbled on her lip at the lack of his presence, hoping nothing bad happened to him while she was gone.

But alas, her prayers were answered when she saw the boy sitting by a fire, tossing pebbles in front of him.

A faint smile made its way on Everest's face as she wandered over to Murphy, sitting beside him before he looked over.

"Everest, you're back?" he spoke in a pleasant surprise, not expecting to see her so soon.

"I came back early. Clarke and the others are still discussing terms of peace," Everest explained, pausing briefly before launching herself forward into his arms.

Murphy chuckled, taken back by her actions as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing the side of her head.

"I missed you," Everest frowned, pouting at the boy.

"I missed you more," Murphy countered with a smirk.

"Has everything been okay here?" the girl questioned, wanting to make sure no one hurt him.

"It's been alright, I've been bored out of my mind, though," Murphy chuckled, rolling his eyes playfully as Everest smiled.

The two stayed silent for a moment before Murphy spoke up again, "Are you feelin' okay? You seem a little...distracted," he pointed out.

"Yeah, no, I-I'm fine," she quickly shook her head with a forced smile, one Murphy almost immediately caught on to, causing the girl to elaborate, "I'm worried about Lexa," she finally let out with a sigh.

"I thought you said she was mad at you, why would you be worried about her?" John asked curiously.

"She told me everything was okay between us, but she's also not the kind of person to forgive so easily, so I'm wondering when the other shoe will drop," Everest nibbled on her bottom lip thinking about her friend.

"Hey," Murphy spoke calmly, grabbing the girl's attention by holding both her hands, "Stop worrying so much. From what you've told me Lexa loves you, she wouldn't hold a grudge over something as little as not partaking in some sadistic ritual with her to kill your friend," he pointed out.

"But what if she does?" Everest looked up at John through her eyelashes, pouting ever so slightly at the thought of Lexa being angry with her.

"She won't," he leaned closer to the girl, "and besides, if she did there isn't anything she can do to hurt you. You have three giant fucking dragons at your side, no one will ever hurt you," he tilted his head slightly, turning Everest's head up to look him in the eyes, "I'll always be by your side, too, and I won't let anything bad happen to you," his spoke gently, his voice quiet and soft as he looked at the girl.

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