Phase 3 - REDS of War (Volume 3 Chapter 7)

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"We need to get her to Oz immediately."

"Then let's get down there." Rei says before jumping over the railing and booking to Pyrrha. "Pyrrha!"

"The feeds are all jammed! We can't get a message out!" Oobleck says.

"Will somebody tell me what in the world is happening?!" Port asks.

Just then a siren goes off signaling a Grimm attack Alert. Incoming Grimm attack. Threat level; Nine. Please seek shelter in a calm and orderly manner.

Ironwood breaks the door to the booth down and grabs the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, please! There is no need for panic." Just then a nevermore screeches as it stands on the barrier trying to break it

"A Nevermore?!" Sun shouts from his seat in the stands.

"How'd it get past the kingdom's defenses?" Coco stands.

"It wasn't alone." Ren stares up.

Qrow and Glynda in Ozpin's office.


"Get to the city!"


"Now!" Ozpin orders.

Duke and the team arrive at Beacon preparing for an attack at any second. Erin ponders to himself and Sky takes note of it placing a hand on her friend's shoulder. While Glossy stands in front of the pair her sword drawn as she stares forward.

"Now's not the time for worries." Glossy orders the pair.

Ironwoods scroll goes off he checks and sees its Ozpin and answers as he stumbles to think of an explanation. "Ozpin, The girl... I-I can explain!"

"You brought your army to my kingdom, James. Use it."

"Dammit! This is Blue Four. Blue's Two And Three, fall into defensive position!"

"Roger! Blue Three, in position!"

"Blue Two, What's your status?" Suddenly the scene changes to blue two, to find everyone dead. "Blue Two come in! Someone answer me, dammit!" Just then a girl with brown and pink hair walks up to and opens a cell on the ship to release Roman Torchwick

"Well... it's about time." Moments later blue two opens fire on Blue Four causing it to crash into Blue Three and explode. "Woohoo-hahaha! Oh, it's good to be back!"

A few seconds after seeing one Atlas ship attack another Erin takes note of multiple Atlas aircraft arrive only for them to open up and reveal Adam Taurus and other members of the White Fang.

"Bring then to their..." Adam begins to speak.

He gets cut off by a bullet whizzing past his head he looks to see who fired the shot only to see Erin pointing a pistol towards him the barrel of the gun emitting smoke with Erin very obviously angered.

"What was that about this being an idea you're not willing to entertain?!"

"Leave him and the other run away to me."

The doors on the air ships open to reveal Grimm being offloaded into Beacon Academy. Sky takes a deep breath when she spreads her palm stepping in front of the others she wipes her left hand across the floor launching a powerful and massive wave of ice at the ships impaling several of them. She takes a deep breath, her breath misting in the air.

"I'll defend them all."

Teaser End.

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