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"Great update! Excited to see where their adventure goes!" -PhantomFuryJP

Thanks! I'm excited to deliver it!

"Great chapter!" Suahtloh

Thanks man!

Alright, onto this late ass chapter.

Chapter Seven

      Did you know that ships are kind of slow? Did you also know that the sea was absolutely fucking massive? Yeah, Zoë didn't. Or maybe she knew it but didn't internalize it. Either way, she knew it now, because they were on the sea for forever.

      Life at sea also sucked. The constant rocking of the ocean made her seasick, the only food being whatever preserved shit the previous pirates had on board. If she had to piss or shit, she had to do it over the side of the ship and risk falling into the ocean.

     The only other person on board was Percy. He largely left her alone, tending to whatever the ship needed. He never slept, as far as she knew. He had let her use the captain's quarters as her room, more as a courtesy than anything. She was torn on how to feel about him. He looked a lot like Orion, and that brought up unwanted memories, but he acted so differently from him. Could she look past what the monster that he looked like did?

     The first thing he did when they got out to the open sea was give her clothes. A pair of baggy pants and a loose-fitting shirt.

     "Here. Put these on." He had said.


     "Because it's easier to move in. Better when you're on a ship."

     Zoë had put the clothes on and instantly loved them. He was right about it being easier to move in. The fabric felt like it was covering her, rather than constraining her, like her usual wardrobe.

    After that, there was barely any interaction. She spent most of her time at the prow of the ship gazing out at the sea.

     The sea was beautiful. The sun's rays glittered on the water. Sometimes she would see schools of fish swim by the sides of the ship. She even saw a whale breach the surface once.

      Today, Percy was in the crow's nest with a spyglass in his hands. He was up there for a while. The ship continued to rock as always, and yet he stood up there, unshaken. Zoë noticed that he always seemed in tune with the ship. Like he had an unspoken bond with it, despite only sailing it since their escape from Othrys.

     Finally, Percy yelled. "LAND HO!"

      He climbed down from the crow's nest. He reached the deck, jumping from the ropes to the deck, landing on his feet. "We're about thirty minutes out. I was only able to see the tips of the trees from up there and through the spyglass."

     Zoë nodded. "This friend of yours, is he a pirate?"

     Percy shook his head. "No. He's a mechanic. But he'll be a pirate soon enough."

     "You make it sound like this is a cult." Zoë joked.

     "Well, it does make you a criminal, might as well be."

     Percy's face was dark.

      There was a pause.

      "And now I'm a part of it." Zoë said quietly.

     Percy shook his head. "If anything, they'll think I kidnapped you. Will probably send out an armada to kill me and bring you home safely." Percy paused. "Shit."

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