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A/N. reviews!

"okay, I love the fact that you added percy basically talking about a whale shark like its a puppy, I genuinely find that adorable lol" -allisonj1008

It's because I like whale sharks. That was mostly me talking, lol.

"okay, but when they went to the town and pretended to be a couple- I swear I could see myself there being like "keep up the bit, you gotta keep the bit going- try not to get embarrassed keep. up. the. bit!" I just find it funny lol

also, THE GOLDEN FLEESE? honestly cannot wait, and I would go join you on discord but my parents refuse to let me have it, idk why it's not like I'm a little kid but,

can't wait for the next chapter!" -allisonj1008

Technically, I'm not supposed to have Discord, but I just tell my parents that I'm only in my friends groups. SO NO ONE TELL THEM!

Onto the chapter.

Chapter Twelve

     They had been on the seas for seven days. And every member of the Argo II was beginning to get Cabin Fever. There was only so much you could take from being trapped on a small vessel with only nine people. So, when they saw another ship in front of them, they were pretty excited.

     But as they got closer, they noticed the flag that flew on its main mast. The red, white, and blue of Britain. The excitement they once felt was now a grim understanding of what was yet to come.

     Percy's hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. In a moment like this, he regretted having asked Leo to make the Argo II the fastest it could be. They were catching up to the British ship faster than the Andromeda ever could.

     As the ship came up on the side of the other vessel, Percy cursed. Of course, with his luck, it was a military ship. "Beckendorf, Frank, Nico! To the guns!"

     The three men nodded and swiftly ran below deck. Percy could see that the military ship's crew was taking notice of them and were starting to arm themselves. The gunwale on the British Navy ship raised and cannons peeked their barrels out.

     "FIRE!" Percy yelled, hoping one of the gunners would hear his command. His commands were now law, as a Captain's word was in a fight. The only time it was supposed to be.

     Luckily, it seemed they heard him, as the sound of cannons firing rang loudly through the Argo II. Holes appeared in the hull of the ship. All above the water line, which meant that they weren't sinking.

     Below deck, Beckendorf took control, ordering the firing of the cannons. He helped aim the cannons, filled them with powder, and put in the fuses. Like a true Master Gunner.

     Above deck, Percy rushed from the poop deck and drew his sword. The navy men were boarding his ship. He rushed to meet one of the men, who lunged at him with his own sword. Their swords met in the middle.

      Zoë climbed down the rigging from the crows nest and drew her knife. She watched as a navy seaman rushed past her. She ran after him. He stopped to fight Jason. Zoë changed targets. Not willing to kill a man with his back turned and fighting another person. It was dishonorable, she told herself. But doubt made itself known in her mind. Maybe she just couldn't kill anyone. Maybe she didn't have what it took to be a pirate.

     The two ships crashed broadsides, knocking everyone to the ground as the deck shook. Beneath them, the sound of firing cannons continued to boom though the sound of the fighting. Percy got to his feet faster than anyone. He stabbed the man he was fighting in th heart. The first blood Riptide ever tasted. And surely more to come.

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