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ariellewood : home is where the heart is

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ariellewood : home is where the heart is.... but that's not where mine is.

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"Gimme a kiss!!!!" Jesse had whined as Arielle kept pulling away from him whenever he got close to her. "Nopey." she spoke nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders slightly. "Okay." Jesse had spoken, shocking Arielle. "Okay?" she had asked, fully confused now.

"Because-" he replied, jumping off the bed, startling Arielle as he gently grabbed her face whispering in her ear, "I'm going to take it anyways." smirking slightly knowing the effect he had on her.

Just as their lips were close, almost touching; his lips touched hers slightly and when she dived in, he pulled away with a tug on her lips; he turned around smirking leaving a frustrated Arielle.


a/n : short chapter

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a/n : short chapter..
don't worry a long chapter is coming!



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