Chapter Six - Shattered

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(A/N: This chapter is inspired by Taylor Swift's song 'This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things')

We spent the next morning at the beach, and I sat on the sand watching James being chased by Kyle with a stick.

"Are they always this chaotic?"

"Yeah they are, they're the biggest idiots I know." Nova laughed.

"Why don't we do something instead of sitting here doing nothing?" Lei asked.

"RACE YOU TO THE WATER!" I got off the sand and ran into the ocean, with Nova following behind me.


I felt something pull at my leg and I turned around to see if it was Nova but she was too far away, and a second later I was pulled under. My screams were muffled by the water and my vision blurred. Next thing I knew, I resurfaced to the sound of Kyle laughing.

"You should've seen your face!"

"You complete imbecile." I glared at him through my wet hair stuck to my face.



I swam back to shore quickly, in fear of him pulling me under again.

"What happened to you? You look like you almost died." I ignored Lei's quick remark and sat on the sand.

"Hey there's this dance happening at the town hall tonight, you guys wanna go?" Nova asked.

"I have nothing to wear, and what's the dance even for?"

"The town has one every summer just for fun, and I have something you could wear!"

"I guess that sounds like fun, are the boys coming?"

"Yeah they are, and Lei already agreed on coming."

"Okay I guess I'll go," I shrugged.

We walked back to Nova's house and I sat on her bed as she looked through her closet. She pulled out a light blue dress and threw it on the bed. It had puffed sleeves and lace that lined the edges of the top part of the dress, and a zipper in the back.

"I am not wearing that." I sighed and looked at the dress.

"Why not?"

"I can't pull that off, I'd look hideous!"

"Just trust me, okay?"

"Fine." I sighed and went into the bathroom to change.

I came out a minute later and Nova smiled at me,

"I told you so! You look stunning."

"Thanks I guess, but what are you wearing?"

"It's a surprise, get out!" She shoved me out of her room and shut the door in my face. I didn't know whether to be offended or not.

I talked to the others as we waited for Nova to come downstairs. Lei was wearing a simple black dress, and Kyle and James were wearing jeans and matching corduroy jackets with their initials on them.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and turned around to look at Nova. Her lavender hair fell into place over her shoulders, and she wore a dress almost identical to mine but it was a darker shade of blue.

"Nova you look gorgeous!" Lei squealed, and I fought the heat that rose to my cheeks.

"Thanks! Well what are we standing here for? Let's go!" She took hold of my hand and we walked out of the house.

The town hall was dark except for all the disco lights and mirror balls, and Madonna's song 'Burning Up' was playing loud enough for me to feel the bass beat in my chest.

Nova pulled me to the middle of the dancefloor, and it's a good thing the room wasn't bright enough for her to see how madly I was blushing.

"I'm gonna go get a drink, you guys want anything?" Kyle yelled over the music,

"No thanks!"

He nodded and left the dancefloor.

"Hey Nova!" A dark haired girl approached us, and Nova turned to look at her.

"Hey! Dawn, this is my friend Emmie. Emmie this is Dawn."

"Nice to meet you!" She smiled. I nodded.

We danced to a lot more songs, and eventually I got tired and decided to take a break and get a drink.

"I'm gonna go get a drink," I let go of Nova's hand,

"Can you get me some water?" She asked, I nodded again.

I came back to the dancefloor with two bottles of water and looked for her in the crowd of people.

My heart dropped.

Nova and James were dancing, his hands were on her waist and he connected his lips with hers. She broke the kiss and looked over at me.

"Dawn wait!"

I dropped the drinks and ran out of the town hall, I couldn't believe it.

Nova's POV

"Dawn wait!" I called after her, but she didn't listen.


"What?! Don't act like you don't like me!"

"I don't have to act. Because I DON'T LIKE YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE!"

"Why?! I'm perfect for you!"

"No, you're not. You've been doing this since we were younger! You're trying to convince yourself that I like you, but I don't! And you know it! Stop taking advantage of me and trying to make me like you, because I never will! I only see us as friends!" I glared at him, tears springing to my eyes.

"James, I want you gone. I've had enough of your games. Never speak to me again!" I ran out of the town hall, almost tripping on my heels.

"STUPID HEELS!" I threw them off my feet and ran down the street.

"Dawn! I'm sorry, it's not what you think it is!"

"Oh really?" I saw her standing in an alleyway, and approached her.

"Yes, really."

"Then why did you kiss?"

"For the record, HE kissed me. I don't like him and never have, we're just friends... well we were."

"Friends that kiss and dance with each other?!"

"Look, he took advantage of me and I should've seen the red flags. I didn't want to kiss him, I only saw us as friends but he couldn't take the hint that I never liked him."

"Are you sure you never felt anything for him?"

"I'm sure."

There was a moment of silence as we stood in the darkness of the alleyway, and I heard her sniffle.

"Dawn... please don't cry,"

"I just don't know what to belie-" I interrupted her sentence.

"I love you, Dawn."

She looked into my eyes, and it was like time froze. We stood there in silence, and I waited for her to say something.

"I love you too, Nova."

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