Part 5. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚

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Under my eyelids, the brightness intensified, making it impossible to sleep those precious additional five minutes. Instinctively, I opened my eyes, only to be greeted by the glaring sunlight directly above me, its warmth almost suffocating.

I found myself lying on the fine white couch I mentioned yesterday. How had I ended up here? I couldn't recall moving from my seat, and the presence of this fluffy white blanket puzzled me further.

Then it struck me. I had fallen asleep on Ghost's lap yesterday. Did he carry me over here? How endearing!

Rubbing my itchy eyes, I yawned deeply, stretching my body to alleviate the stiffness from my prolonged rest. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a shadow – a tall, heavily armored figure. It was Ghost, approaching me. Panic set in, and my first instinct was to feign sleep, hoping he would leave me alone and we could avoid any awkward interaction.

I quickly shut my eyes. He was already so close; surely he had seen me move. I could hear his footsteps drawing nearer, my heart racing with each step.

"Wake up, Y/n," Ghost's commanding voice broke the silence.

I squinted slightly to gauge his position but ended up making direct eye contact. Stupid, I thought, as I quickly shut my eyes again, praying he hadn't noticed.

"I already caught you," he whispered, his tone low.

"Get up," he insisted, more forcefully.

"Fine, fine," I replied, annoyed, opening my eyes. To my surprise, Ghost was crouched at my level, his face mere inches from mine, waiting for me to wake. His gaze was curious, playful. As he stood up and cleared his throat, his commanding presence choked me.

"We're arriving in Mexico in 10 minutes," Ghost informed me, crossing his arms and looking down at me judgmentally. "Get ready," he continued, turning towards the cockpit where the pilot and Price were engaged in a lively argument.

I had questions that needed answers. Seizing the moment, I called out, "Ghost," my voice soft.

He turned slowly, confusion evident in his eyes. "What, Y/n?" he asked, leaning against a nearby seat.

"I just wanted to apologize for yesterday," I said, my eyes downcast, watching my hands fidget nervously. I hadn't realized he had moved closer until he gently lifted my chin, forcing me to meet his dark, captivating eyes.

Standing between my thighs, his proximity made me feel trapped. He still wore his work attire, looking as imposing and attractive as ever.

"Y/n, I pity you," Ghost said coldly, his eyes filled with a strange pleasure. "Now, don't apologize. I don't want to hear it, okay?" His voice grew deeper, clearly trying to intimidate me.

"Sure thing, Ghostie," I replied, smirking.

"Nicknames? Okay, princess," he retorted, his tone ironic. My stomach twisted with unfamiliar sensations. Was this what falling in love felt like?

"Oh, shut up," I mumbled, blushing. I tried to look away, but he wouldn't let me.

Ghost's grip on my chin tightened as he moved closer, his eyes burning with desire. "Keep your eyes on me," he commanded. I was paralyzed, unable to respond, overwhelmed by the intensity of his gaze.

"You really are cute, Y/n," he whispered, his voice raspy. I felt powerless, like prey before a predator.

Price's voice interrupted the moment, growing louder as he approached. Ghost released his grip and stepped back just in time.

"We're about to land. Be prepared," Price announced with his usual cheerfulness, doing a little dance.

I sighed in relief, thankful Price hadn't seen anything that could jeopardize our jobs. Ghost gave me one last look before striding towards the cockpit with a proud gait.

What just happened?

A few minutes later, the jet's door opened as we descended towards solid ground. I stood between Ghost and Price, feeling squashed.

The sunlight hit my eyes, revealing a beautiful scene. The sea sparkled in the distance. Hello, Mexico!

Lost in the view, I was jolted back to reality by Price's impatient tap. "Move," he ordered, annoyed.

"Sorry," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

As I descended the stairs, Ghost and Price followed closely. The heat of the sun was a welcome change. I took in my surroundings, excited to be in Mexico. The pilot soon joined us, standing at the top of the steps.

"Thank you for getting us here safely," I said, smiling at the pilot.

"Of course. Stay safe," he replied with a smile.

A large black truck, identical to the one from before, approached us. Ghost caught my eye, and a thrill of excitement ran through me.

Focus, Y/n. You're here for work, nothing else.

Price headed towards the truck, followed by Ghost. It was clear we were moving out immediately. No waiting around.



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I've been busy and also I've been trying to learn guitar! So it really took up all my time, but I'll try to stay more updated because I really do enjoying doing this.

also my bad for not making this one that long, I promise part 6 will be longer.

So I'm sorry again :(


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