Part 7. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚

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Me, Ghost, and our team made our way to the target area.

"This is Price. All Alpha soldiers deployed. How copy?"
His voice was staticky, but clear enough to understand.

"Copy, visual on the target area. Pushing our way ahead,"
Ghost responded through the walkie-talkie as we continued our advance, stealthy and steady.

I saw the buildings ahead, soldiers guarding around them. My heart beat faster with each step closer.

The silence was oppressive, only the wind and our footsteps in the grass breaking it.

Ghost, slightly ahead, signaled for us to take cover behind the broken brick walls. We quickly complied, waiting for his orders, but another voice interrupted.

Gunfire erupted, turning into an unrelenting barrage.

"Shit, they spotted us!"
One of the Alpha soldiers shouted through the walkie-talkie, his voice panicked.

"Alpha, what's going on?"
Ghost peeked over the wall, gripping his gun tighter, frustration evident.

"We're taking heavy fire!"
The gunfire and foreign voices screaming grew louder.

"Price, it's Ghost. We need backup,"
Ghost called out, but there was no response, just static.

"Price, you copy?"
Ghost tried again, still nothing.

Ghost slammed his fist into the wall, causing it to shake. His frustration and fear were palpable.

"Hold tight, we're pushing up ahead,"
Ghost instructed Alpha, trying to remain calm.

"We'll clear the area for Hassan, then assist Alpha. Clear?"
His voice was rougher, more determined.

we all responded, nodding nervously.

"We sweep buildings three and two quickly, then clear building one,"
Ghost directed, pointing to the buildings. We agreed, grouped up, and fist-bumped.

We split up, Ghost and I taking building two, the others building three.

Ghost led the way through the long grass field, our footsteps nearly silent. He glanced back at me occasionally, ensuring I kept up.

A large rock near the building offered cover. Ghost motioned for me to follow him behind it.

"Don't get yourself killed, or I'll never forgive myself,"
Ghost panted, his breath visible in the cold air. His eyes, now revealed as he removed his night vision, were filled with fear and determination.

"Well, don't I have the most feared man on the field on my side? How could I possibly die?"
I joked, trying to lighten the mood, giving him a reassuring look.

"You never know, Y/n..."
Ghost paused, his eyes boring into mine. The tension was palpable.

"Let's move forward,"
he broke the silence abruptly.

I hummed in acknowledgment, steeling myself.

Fear gnawed at me, but I loved the thrill. It was what I lived for.

"Are you ready?"
Ghost asked, snapping me back to reality. We stood against building two, the silence inside unnerving.

I nodded sharply. Ghost kicked the door open, dust filling the air. I saw his silhouette as he swiftly eliminated a few guards, their muffled final breaths echoing.

As the dust settled, Ghost was left with one guard, whom he dispatched with a swift knife strike to the throat. The guard fell, eyes wide with shock. Ghost caught him, closing the man's eyes with a sigh of pity.

Ghost's efficiency with the knife was mesmerizing, almost beautiful in its deadly precision.

I stepped forward to pat Ghost's shoulder, but something in my peripheral vision caught my attention. Another guard, unnoticed by Ghost, was about to strike.

I shouted, pointed my gun, too late. The guard's gun shot, and blood poured out from my stomach. It ran down my legs, filling a pool of fluids on the dusty ground. Ghost eliminated the guard quickly, but not quickly enough.

Everything slowed, the pain radiating through my body. Ghost's quick reflexes saved him, but I was hit.
I collapsed, but Ghost caught me, lowering me gently to the ground.

He pressed his hands over the wound, trying to stem the bleeding.
I couldn't speak, the pain too intense.

"Stay with me, Y/n,"
Ghost's voice trembled, his hands shaking as he tapped my cheek.

I managed, the pain worsening.

Ghost tied his scarf around the wound, the fabric quickly soaking with blood.

I groaned, the agony overwhelming.

Ghost lifted me, shouting into the walkie-talkie.

"Y/n is hit! I need assistance now!"
His voice was a mix of rage and desperation.
My vision blurred, but footsteps approached. Ghost aimed his gun, ready to defend us.

"Don't fucking move,"
he warned.

"Woah there,"
Alejandro's voice came from the doorway, hands raised. Ghost lowered his gun with a sigh.

"What happened?"
Alejandro knelt beside me, inspecting the wound.

"No time, Alejandro. Y/n needs medical attention, now!"
Ghost's voice was urgent. He lifted me and sprinted out, Alejandro covering us.

My consciousness faded, the world blurring. Gunfire and chaos echoed around us, but all I felt was cold, so cold.

Ghost's warmth was the last thing I felt as my mind slipped into darkness.

Just why.

What a weird turn am I right? I was kind of out of ideas, but in upcoming chapters I've got a lot of exciting ideas! This one isn't the greatest as well but I tried, that's all that matters ❤️

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What a weird turn am I right?
I was kind of out of ideas, but in upcoming chapters I've got a lot of exciting ideas!
This one isn't the greatest as well but I tried, that's all that matters ❤️

Thank you again my loves 🤭

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