Part 12. ˚ ʚ♡ɞ˚ (spicy)

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Price had invited us to a bar near the base for what he called a "fun" time, though it likely entailed business talk disguised as leisure. The man was obsessed with work, always droning on about it. Frankly, I knew next to nothing about him on a personal level because he never opened up about himself.

As I approached the bar, I could already see our group through the window, huddled around a table, drinks in hand and grins plastered on their faces. Well, except for Ghost. With his skull mask, it was impossible to tell if he was smiling or not, but the lifeless look in his eyes suggested he definitely wasn't.

"Dress to impress," they say, and I certainly did. I wore a long black dress with a slit that revealed my left leg, complemented by my finest black boots and accessories. When I walked in, I wanted to see Ghost's eyes light up and later drown in lust. I hated him, and I wanted him to suffer from desire. Even though we both wanted each other.

I pushed open the door, and a gust of wind hit my face. The doorbell jingled, and immediately, all eyes were on me, especially Ghost's captivating yet cold eyes. Goosebumps rose on my skin as our gazes locked. A surge of emotions overwhelmed me, and I couldn't help but smile at him. I caught a tiny smile behind that mask.

"Hey there, Y/N! Take a seat," Price called out, grinning and pointing to the seat between him and Ghost as if it were reserved just for me.

I made my way to the bar table and sat down on the uncomfortable stool. The bartender promptly approached to take my order—a mojito, a classic choice with an irresistibly sweet twist.

"Y/N, you think this is some sort of business meeting, right?" Price asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Of course, I know you too well by now!" I giggled, meeting his gaze.

Price took a sip of his beer and smiled. "No, tonight is purely for fun. No work talk or anything serious. We're going to play some games, arcade games. There's a whole section around the corner, so loosen up, Y/N."

So it really was a fun night. Interesting, and surprisingly exciting!

"Hahaha, I totally destroyed you, Johnny!" I laughed, reveling in my victory over Soap in a pool match. Everyone had gathered around to watch the intense game, and I had emerged victorious. The game had been evenly matched for a while until I went on a winning spree, sinking every ball I had left. Pure skill.

Glasses of alcohol were raised in the air. I grabbed my own glass, joining in the celebration with a smile and a giggle.

"Such a lucky bastard you are, Y/N," Soap retorted, a hint of irritation in his voice. He leaned against the pool table, lifting his chin to look at me.

"Absolutely. You definitely didn't get destroyed," I teased, leaning against the pool table opposite him and winking. He must be fuming inside.

In the midst of the celebration, I realized I had forgotten about Ghost and my mission to impress him. Glancing around, I saw no sign of him. Besides, I needed to use the restroom badly after downing several drinks.

"I'll be right back," I said shortly, pointing towards the restroom and making my way there.

My head spun, everything felt surreal. Am I drunk again? Damn it. How will I get home now? Walking? I'd probably end up in a ditch somewhere.

Pushing open the restroom door, I was met with the sight of Ghost standing and staring at himself in the mirror. My heart raced, butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

"Ghost? I've been looking for you," I said cautiously, stepping closer to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, tilting my head to look up at him with concern. I now stood right beside him, peering up into his lifeless eyes. It felt so surreal.

Ghost turned to face me, his eyes narrowing with a look of annoyance. Maybe I should just leave and come back later.

"Sorry, I'll leave you alone," I began, but was interrupted by Ghost's strong hand wrapping around my wrist, stopping me from leaving.

"Listen, I can't stand you. You're too much. You're everywhere I go, everywhere I look. You're even in my dreams and in every corner of my house. I hate it. I hate it because I've realized I'm obsessed. I'm obsessed with something I can't have, and it's driving me insane." Ghost's voice trembled with intensity. His grip on my wrist tightened, the tension in the air palpable.

"I've tried to forget my feelings, to stop thinking about you, but every time I see you, it all comes rushing back. I can't help myself. I can't resist you. I need you. I need you more than I want to." Ghost's eyes were filled with a desperate intensity.

I was speechless. It had worked. I had impressed him so much that he had to hide from me. I smiled. Damn it.

Without thinking, I grabbed his mask and lifted it just enough to kiss him. It had only been a few hours since I last tasted his lips, but I had already missed them.

Our kiss deepened, becoming more intense. Ghost's hands roamed over my body, caressing and exploring. I couldn't help but moan softly at his touch.

Without thinking, I reached for his bulge and caressed it gently. Ghost groaned into our kiss, the sound sending shivers down my spine. I wanted him so badly; I needed him so badly.


(Had to add this

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(Had to add this. HES SO FINE)

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