Part 9. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ SMUT...

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Hey hey there friends :)
I hope y'all's New Years and Christmas has been amazing! <3

This going to be female Y/n since it's kinda hard to make it gender neutral because of details you get it.

This whole chapter will only have smut in it since y'all asked for it 😹

ALSO GO EASY ON ME, this is my first time doing smut. I kinda realized that I wasn't really good at it but like I went all in for y'all 💀

So if you don't wanna read smut, please skip this chapter!

Sorry for the long wait!
Hope you enjoy!


It had been five minutes of passionate kissing, touching, and an overwhelming rush of love. This was more than I had ever dreamed of. Laying here, entangled with Mr. Simon Riley, once just a fantasy, now felt unbelievably real. Yet, something was holding me back.

Ghost's mask remained on, though our clothes were gone, leaving us in only our underwear, exposed and vulnerable. My heart was pounding, overwhelmed. I wasn't ready for this, not mentally or physically. This was my dream, but I doubted if I could go through with it.

"Ghost, I can't do this," I said gently, placing my hands on his muscular chest and pushing him away. Our eyes met, and I saw confusion in his dark brown eyes. Ghost frowned, probably thinking I was crazy for stopping our intimate moment.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his voice filled with empathy. He placed a bare hand on my cheek, caressing it slowly.

"I don't know, I'm very nervous," I replied shakily, avoiding his intense gaze.

"Y/N, look at me," Ghost demanded, gently grabbing my chin to make me meet his eyes again.

"I understand you're nervous," he said, taking a deep breath. "But I'm here for you. I'm here if you need me. I always will be."

His voice was genuine, and it eased my anxiety. His thumb brushed my bottom lip, his eyes locking with mine in a tender, vulnerable dance.

Butterflies filled my stomach, fluttering wildly. I blushed deeply.

"Y/N," Ghost said softly, "you're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." His whisper was sensual, and it sent a thrilling shiver down my spine.

I blushed even more, my breaths becoming shallow. My heart pounded against my chest, and my legs trembled beneath his large frame. I pressed myself down against the soft material of the black couch.

I smiled, feeling a deep connection. Ghost smiled back, and we lost ourselves in the moment.

— Ten Minutes Later —

Ghost's body was like a dream. His hard abs, defined pelvis, and muscular chest were a testament to his intense training. Being a soldier, and the most feared one at that, must be incredibly demanding.

We were in the bedroom now. Ghost had me pinned against the wall, our breaths heavy from the most intimate make-out session I'd ever experienced. His hands had roamed my body, from my breasts down to my hips and thighs. I loved every moment.

Our eyes met again, and I saw the lust in his. I knew what he wanted, and I wanted it too.

"Get on your knees for me, Y/N," Ghost commanded, his hand caressing my cheek.

Disobey Ghost? Impossible. I slowly sank to my knees. The floor was cold against my bare skin as my eyes fell on the bulge in Ghost's boxers. It was enormous.

My pulse quickened, blood pumping through my veins. I gulped, looked up at Ghost, and let my nervousness show. I have never done such a thing like this before so I didn't really know what or how to do this, but I will try my best to satisfy him.

"Don't be nervous, I'll be gentle with you," Ghost reassured, lifting my chin. I smiled at his comfort.

He released my chin, and my gaze fell to his bulge. Was I really doing this?
I carefully pulled down his boxers, revealing his impressive erection. It was big, thick, and the tip glistened with pre-cum. It felt surreal.

I wrapped my hand around his cock, feeling its warmth. I gently started to stroke it back and forth, it felt so good in my hand.
Ghost's soft hand stroked the back of my head, his eyes reflecting his pleasure.

His cock was so hard, growing even more in my hand. Pre-cum dripped from the tip, and before it hit the floor, I licked it up, savoring the addictive taste. Ghost let out a small groan, encouraging me to go further.

I took him deeper into my mouth, my tongue caressing the shaft. Ghost's hand gripped my hair, guiding me deeper until his cock filled my throat. I gagged, tears welling in my eyes.
He was too big.

I looked up for his approval, seeing his head thrown back in pleasure. He thrust into my mouth again, rough and relentless. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I struggled to keep up.

His scent, his taste, his touch—everything overwhelmed me.
With a final, harsh thrust, Ghost released his warm, slimy liquid into my mouth. I was a mess, hair disheveled, cheeks streaked with tears. This was not gentle.

Ghost pulled out, and I swallowed his cum, every drop. I sat back, leaning against the wall, finally able to breathe. I closed my eyes to regain focus, then felt Ghost's strong arms lifting me up.

"What are you—" I began, but he silenced me with a kiss, carrying us to the bed.

Oh, he wanted more? I'd give him more.


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Please vote if you want me to do more things like this 😹😹😹😹🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


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