Part 8. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚

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Am I dead?

It was dark. I was in my house, all alone. Cold and afraid. I couldn't move. I was paralyzed, trapped in my own nightmare, lost and scared. I could hear voices, unknown voices coming for me. It felt all so real, terrifyingly real. Please do not hurt me. I did nothing wrong.

The darkness crept towards me, thick fog coming right for me, slowly surrounding me, leaving me nowhere to run. Please no, no, no!

I woke up, my body shooting up in fear, panting loudly and sweating.

Where am I? Where's Ghost? No one was here—not Price, not Ghost. I was all alone in an uncomfortable hospital bed. It was hard, wobbly and extremely uncomfortable.

I inspected my environment around me and realized I was in a hospital. Why? Outside the window, I saw snow falling down the dark blue sky, making its way to the ground. Why is there snow? Aren't I in Mexico?

Wait, I'm... home? What happened?

I don't remember. The only thing I remembered was Ghost carrying me, running somewhere, screaming desperately for help but with no one there to help him.

I pushed the blanket off me and saw a big scar on my stomach. What is that? Looking down at it made me feel nauseous. It looked horrible but much better than it must have looked.

Suddenly, I heard the door squeak as somebody approached me. Could it be Ghost?

Nope, it was a nurse.

"Hey there, Y/n. I see you're feeling better." She smiled at me, standing in front of my bed with her hands together, looking all innocent.

"Where's the others and what happened?" I faced the nurse with a worried expression, hoping she knew where they could possibly be and could explain what had happened to me.

"Dear, you got shot. Someone named Ghost brought you here and told me to take good care of you. Seems like he really cares about you. You're lucky to have someone like him." She tried to sound happy and positive, but I just couldn't feel happy about this.

Then realization hit me. My confused face turned to sadness. I failed them? No, no, no...

The nurse saw the disappointment on my face and tried to hug me, but I pushed her away harshly.

"Don't touch me." I was irritated, my eyes staring out the window, watching the snowflakes slowly drifting down, adding to the thick layer of snow on the ground.

"I understand. Your wound is fully healed, so you can go home now if you wish, but remember to rest up and be careful." She left the room, leaving me alone in this boring room again.

Of course I wanted to go home rather than being in this hell!

My emotions were all over the place. Sad and mad at the same time. I wanted to break something, but also have a mental breakdown.

I didn't even care about the fact that I was so close to dying. I wanted someone to be here when I woke up, especially Ghost since he always made me feel safer, even though he's an asshole.

I know we just met a few days ago, but there was something about him that made me feel like... yeah, that's it, home.

Yeah, he could be a total jerk sometimes, but I still saw something in him, some kind of spark left inside him.

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