My special night

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   I get to school the next morning after wondering all night what he could be surprising me with. I texted him good morning but I didn't get a response. I get off of the dreadful bus and walk into the school. As soon as I opened the doors I saw balloons. I'm scanning the room wondering who's birthday it might be.
As I'm scanning the room I make eye contact with Cody. He is smiling from ear to ear. I'm so lost in his eyes that I couldn't even focus on him holding a bouquet of roses.
Everyone is gathered around us taking pictures. People that I didn't even know.
I walk up to Cody and ask " What is going on?"
" Dessy, will you go to prom with me?"
Oh my gosh. Prom! How could I forget that prom was coming up?
" Yes, I would be so happy to go to prom with you!" I said as I tried to contain my excitement.
Prom was never a big thing for me but with Cody I just knew it was going to be special.

  3 weeks pass and I'm sitting in the salon chair getting my hair done. I'm wearing an ugly button up shirt so I don't ruin my hair or makeup when it's time to put my prom dress on. It was gorgeous. It is a two piece which was a little risky for me.
It was the most perfect shade of pink with beautiful sequins along the chest.
" Are you excited for your big night?" My hair dresser says to me.
" I have never been this excited." I replied back.
I hear a truck pull into the parking lot.
" Oh my gosh Dessy he is here already!" Screams my mom.
He is so early. My dress isn't even on. I text him and tell him it will be another 30 minutes before I am ready.
My hairdresser finishes my hair and I slip into my dress while he waits in the parking lot.
I look at myself in the mirror.
" Okay Dessy, this could be the night you've been dreaming up" I say to myself as I try to prepare for what could happen tonight.
I text him and tell him I'm ready. He comes to the door wearing a black tux with a tie to match my dress color. His honey brown eyes start to tear up.
" Oh don't start going soft on me Cody." I say as I'm standing beside my mom.
" You are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on." He replied.
I heart a soft "aweee" coming from my hairdresser.

I pin a flower on his tux and I grab my bouquet from my mom and we head out the door.
He grabs the bottom of my dress to make sure it doesn't get dirty from the asphalt.
Cody opens the door for me on his truck and I slide in trying not to rip my dress.

  Cody had his Bluetooth connected to the truck. He was playing sweet country songs. Normally, country wouldn't be my first choice but the songs matched so perfectly to what I was feeling.
We pull into the school parking lot and he helps me out of the truck. We walk in and all eyes are on us. It was like a fairy tale.
We dance the night away.
A slow song came on. It was one of the songs Cody had played on the way to the school. He gave me a look and took my hand.
We danced.
Our bodies were touching while we were staring into each others eyes.
" Let's get out of here." He whispered into my ear.
He took my hand and we went to his truck.
"Tonight was the night when I looked into your eyes and told myself that you are the one I want to be with for the rest of my life." He said to me as his hands were shaking while holding mine.
How could he know that? We were so young. I didn't care though.
" I couldn't imagine myself being with anyone else." I replied back as I put his shaking hand on my cheek.
" I got you this because it reminded me of you." He said as he handed me a beautiful pearl white bag.
I opened it and saw the most beautiful ring.
" It was gorgeous and it reminded me of you. This is a promise to you that I will stay loyal to you."
I was in shock. I put the ring on my hand and admired it.
" It is so beautiful, Cody. I love it."
I admired the ring a little longer as my heart was melting.
" Let go back to my place for a little while." He said as he kissed my hand.
Tonight was so special.
"Yeah, let's go." I replied.

  We pull into his driveway. He kept his hand on my thigh the whole way there. He helped me out of his truck.
" Let me carry you so you don't get your dress dirty." He said.
I agreed and he picked me up and walked us to his bedroom.
He laid me on the bed. Our eyes were staring back at each other. He took off his clothes.
" This is it." I thought to myself.
He helps me stand up as he unzips the top half of my dress. His fingers sliding down my arms as it falls off.
" I love you." He whispers into my ear as he begins to unzip the bottom half of my dress.
I step out of it as he pulls me closer to him. He picks me up and my thighs wrap around his waste.
He's kissing me so softly. He lays me on the bed and gets on top of me. He's kissing me down to my waist. He comes back up to kiss my lips as he slides my panties off.
He starts kissing my forehead as he slides his hand down farther.
" Are you ready for this?" He says as he's teasing me more and more.
" I'm so ready." I reply.
I feel his fingers slowly move inside me. It was so magical. For a moment I had shut the world out and it was only Cody and I.
He takes his fingers out and he finally moves his penis into me. Sparks were flying. It hurt but it hurt so good. As his body pressed against mine I kept pulling him closer.
I put my lips on his ear.  My body starts shaking uncontrollably but I love it.
" I love you babe" he whispers to me
" I love you so much more." I reply back.
This magical feeling lasts for about 5 minutes. Then, he stops. His breathing gets heavier as he's laying his sweating body on top of mine. I never wanted to leave this place.

He lays beside me and plays with my hair.
" Are you okay?" He asks.
" I'm more than okay." I reply back.
I can't help but ask "Do you still feel the same about me?"
He replies " I didn't know it was possible but I love you even more than I did before."
He leans over and kisses me before helping me back into my dress.
" before I get back in it I need to use the bathroom" I said.
He chuckled and pointed me to where the bathroom was. As I walk in there and sit down I see a baby picture of him on the wall playing in the bathtub.
Then it hits me.
Did he wear a condom?
I start freaking out and rush back into the room.
" did you use protection Cody?" I ask frantically.
" Oh no, I was so caught up in the heat of the moment I forgot to put one on." He replied.
" Cody, what the hell? What if I get pregnant??"
" Relax, the chances of that happening the first time doesn't seem reasonable." He replied.
He hugged me and kissed my forehead. He told me not to worry.
I got back into my dress and he took me home. We sat in my driveway for a minute.
" When I graduate I want to get married." He said randomly.
" Cody, I will still have a year left of school when you graduate." I replied as I was in shock.
" Maybe we can get engaged when I graduate. We can get married when you graduate." He said so confidently.
I giggled and kissed his cheek.
" Thank you for tonight Cody. You made me feel like the only girl in the world."
I got out of the truck and waved goodbye as I went into my house.

"Dessy, what happened to your hair?"
I looked over and saw my mom.
Why wasn't she in bed? Oh no. She probably already knows.
" I took it down because the pins were poking my head." I replied.
" I know what happens on prom night. This probably should have happened a long time ago but Im making you an appointment to get on birth control."

Birth control sounded like a great idea but what if it's too late?

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