Will it be too much?

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     I started talking to this guy a lot more. He added me on all of my social media accounts. His name was Casey. Two weeks into talking he asks me if I would want to hang out sometime. I was nervous but I agreed. He knew I had a daughter. She was all over my social media. I flooded them with pictures of how gorgeous she is.

  It's the day that we hang out.
" mom could you watch Kaylee for me? I'm going out for a couple of hours."
Those words tasted awful coming out of my mouth. I didn't want to leave her. She loved my mom so much so she didn't mind.
" Sure honey! I would love to." She replied. She was so excited that I finally asked.

   I meet up with Casey in town. I get in his truck and we hang out.
" So you know I have a daughter right?" I asked nervously
" Yes, I have a daughter too" he replied
He has a daughter! He actually see's her! I couldn't believe my heart was melting over another man that wasn't Cody. Even though I didn't hear from Cody again I still thought about him from time to time. My feelings for him had faded as time went on. We talked the afternoon away. He took me back to my car and I went home.

  When I walked in the house Kaylee was playing with her blocks. She didn't even noticed that I left. I was so happy to see her.
" How was your night?" Asked my mom as she was smiling from ear to ear.
" Mom it was wonderful. I haven't felt like this in so long." I replied.
" I think I hear your phone vibrating." She said
I go over to check it and it's a message from Casey.
" I had a great time tonight. I enjoyed talking to you. When can I see you again?"
Reading those words made me smile. I haven't smiled at my phone in so long. We planned another time to meet up. The meet ups starting coming more frequently. I was worried about introducing him to Kaylee though. What if he doesn't stick around? I can't have people coming in and out of her life.

He asked me to come over one day. Without hesitation I asked my mom if she could watch Kaylee. I went to his house and his daughter was standing on his porch. She is two years older than Kaylee. I wasn't sure how it would go. I got nervous being around her. What would her mom think? Is this really a good idea? I get out of my car and see Casey walking around the corner of the house.
" Desiree this is my daughter."
" Hello! It is so nice to meet you!" I said
She smiled.
She has her daddy's smile.
She took my hand and pulled me into the house. I went with her. She showed me her room. She couldn't talk very well but she tried. " My daddy painted my room." She said as she giggled and ran off. Her room was gorgeous. Bright pink with a princess bed.
She had toys organized everywhere. It wasn't hard to see that she is definitely spoiled.
" So when shall I meet Kaylee?" He said as he walked up behind me. He was drying his hands off from washing the dishes.
I looked up at him with a smile. I wanted him to meet her so bad. I was just nervous.
" Relax. I really like you. I want to keep this relationship going." He said as he grazed his hand across my cheek.
He just said relationship. Are we in a relationship? I sure hope so.
" Let me go get her." I respond back.

   I get in my car and drive home. As I walk through the door I see my mom brushing Kaylee's hair. Kaylee loved to have her hair brushed.
" Mom I'm taking Kaylee to meet Casey." I said as I was frantically trying to find her the cutest outfit ever.
" Okay honey." She responded back.
I can't believe she didn't ask questions. Sometimes I keep forgetting that she's my daughter and I make my own decisions now.

  I put Kaylee in her car seat and head back to Casey's house. When I park my car in his driveway I start to shake. I'm so nervous. Please don't let me down.
I get Kaylee out of the car seat and proceed to his porch. His daughter opens the door before I can knock. Her little smile lit up the room.
" Can Kaylee play with me?" She asked
" of course she can!" I responded back as I brought her inside. I sat on the couch beside Casey as our daughters played.
" They seem to like each other!" Said Casey.
" I'm really glad they do. Hopefully we can do this more often." I responded back
He gave me a smile and got up to talk to Kaylee.
" Hi Kaylee! I'm your mommy's friend!"
I laughed because Kaylee isn't old enough to talk well yet. Kaylee grabbed Casey's face and kissed him on the cheek. It was so different seeing a man around Kaylee. I wanted her to have a father figure so bad but then I started freaking out. My fear kept taking over. I started shaking.
" I think we need to leave" I said to Casey as I got up to pick up Kaylee
" Why are you leaving? They're having fun." He replied as he tried to figure out what was wrong with me.
I couldn't get the words out. How was I suppose to tell him that it scared me having him around Kaylee. He doesn't understand what I've been through. I pick up Kaylee and walk out of the door. He follows behind chasing after me.
" Wait! Wait! Please!"  He cried out

  All of the sudden I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder. It was such a gentle touch. I turn around and we make eye contact.
" This isn't easy for me either you know. This is all very new to me like it is you." Casey said.
" Down! Down!" Said Kaylee
She wanted me to put her down so she could play.
I put her down as she waddles around his big yard.
" Kaylee has never been around a man like this. Her dad hasn't tried to be in her life." I responded
I never told Casey that. I guess he assumed that she see's her dad like a typical custody order.
" That's okay. I don't plan on going anywhere." He said as he put his hand on my cheek.
Then without a second thought he pulls my face closer to his and kissed me.
It was the best kiss I had ever had. It was a kiss of relief. He slowly pulled away from me.
" Id marry you today if I could." He said.
I couldn't believe he said that. In such a short amount of time. How do I even respond to that?

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