New adventures

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I make my appointment for my new pregnancy. Casey goes with me.
" Hi Desiree, what's going on today?" Asked the doctor.
" I took a pregnancy test and it was positive!" I replied.
My doctor gave me a smile. It is the same doctor I saw when I was pregnant with Kaylee.
" I'm glad to see the joy in your eyes." Replied the doctor. " When was your last period?"
" Actually it was two months ago. I can't believe I never even realized it!" I replied
Casey gave me a shocked look.
" Wow you could be farther along than we think!" Said the doctor.
" Let me see if my ultrasound room is empty. I will get you in for a quick look since I have some time."
As the doctor walked out of the door I looked at Casey. He was so excited.
" We get to see the baby today!" I said with so much excitement.
" I can't wait!" Casey replied
Moments later we heard footsteps approaching the door.
" Okay you two can come with me!"
Casey and I jump up and rush to follow the doctor. I laid down on the table as the doctor shut the lights off.
" Okay I'm going to put some gel on your stomach. It may be a little cold."
As the doctor scanned around my stomach to find the baby I noticed a sharp pain. I ignored it.
" There it is! A pretty little baby!" Said the doctor
I couldn't believe it. A piece of me and Casey. I look over and see tears welling up in Casey's eyes. He is smiling from ear to ear.
" I don't have time to measure everything today but you look to be about 8 weeks! Let me see if I can find the heartbeat."
The heartbeat is the best part of an ultrasound. It amazes me how I can grow something with a heart inside of me.
" So you see that little flickering in there? That is the babies heartbeat!"
Our baby has a heartbeat! Casey and I stopped by the receptionist and made an appointment for a measurement ultrasound. That is where we will find out my due date.
We walked out of the clinic and got on the elevator. Casey put his hand on my stomach.
Casey looked at me and said " I can't wait to meet this sweet baby."
The elevator got to the first floor. He grabbed my hand and we continued to the car. I couldn't believe we just saw our baby for the first time.

We went to my measurement appointment. They measured the baby to be 8 weeks and 5 days! After the appointment we decided that we needed a bigger house. We searched and searched but we never found anything that just seemed like a dream home. Finally, as we were driving down the road we see a for sale sign in a beautiful yard with a beautiful house. Casey immediately pulls in to get the phone number to set up a time to look at the house.

We went to the house tour and fell in love. We made an offer and waited to hear back.
In the meantime, Christmas came around. We announced our pregnancy on Christmas Eve. It was so magical.
We finally heard back about our offer on the house. We were accepted! Two weeks later we moved in with our perfect little family.

As time went on I got bigger and bigger. I was stretched father than I thought my body could ever stretch. I look down and see stretch marks. I sit on the bathroom floor and cry. My body just isn't my body anymore. Casey walks in and sees me crying.
" My body.. it has changed. Look." I said as I pointed to my stretch marks.
" You are still as beautiful as the day I met you." He replied as he picked me up off of the floor and hugged me.

We decided to keep the gender a surprise this time. I'm 9 months pregnant now and if I go too much farther then I will go past my due date.

I started walking, bouncing on a ball and doing squats. It seemed like nothing was working.
" Honey come to bed." Casey yells out as I'm bouncing on a ball in the sitting room.
I get up and go lay in bed. I fall asleep pretty fast. I wore myself out from bouncing for hours.

3am rolls around. I wake up in a constant pain. " Casey wake up. We have to go to the hospital!"
Casey jumps up out of bed in a panic
" I'm contracting. I have to go now!"
Casey grabs the hospital bag and calls my mom to see if she can keep Kaylee while I'm in the hospital. My mom immediately agreed and came over to watch her.

We get in the car and head to the hospital. When we got there I could barely walk. Casey went in and got me a wheel chair. He wheeled me in and they took me straight to the labor and delivery department. They put me on the bed to check my cervix.
" Okay honey you are 5 centimeters dilated!" Said the nurse
Casey looks at me confused. I assumed he would know what that meant since he was already a father. The nurse walks out to prepare everything for my IV.
" 5 centimeters means I'm halfway there to deliver the baby." I told Casey as he kept looking at me.
" I know that but how did it happen so fast?" He replied as he started laughing.

The pain kept coming closer and harder.
" I want an epidural now!" I said to the nurse
I couldn't help but yell. I was in so much pain. With an understanding smile she went and told the anesthesiologist.

   Finally the pain stopped and I pushed. I pushed and pushed until my face turned purple. I was squeezing Casey's hand. I know it had to hurt but I couldn't help it. He was my safe place.
" Congratulations! It's a boy!!" Said the doctor
Our very first boy. He was beautiful. He had his daddy's eyes and my nose.
Seeing Casey be a dad to a newborn was so exciting. I was so very lucky to have him.

We take our new baby boy home to meet the girls. We all sit on the couch snuggled up in our pajamas that night. We turn on a movie and enjoy our time together. As I look around at the beautiful family we created I can't help but think.. All of this started with one random message. Cody broke my heart but he gave me a beautiful baby girl. I will always be thankful for that. Casey gave me the family I always wanted and I will be extra thankful for that.

   My own little piece of happiness was sitting in the same room with me. I get to spend the rest of my life looking at each of these beautiful faces.

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