Is this really happening?

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  Cody picks me up for school the next morning. I get in his truck and it's quiet. We look at each other and look back ahead. I was too nervous to say anything. I wish he would say something.
We get to school and we walk in. He holds my hand like he does every day and walks me to class. He pulls me in to hug me.
" After school we are going to the store to get a pregnancy test." He whispered in my ear.
I pull away from him and look at him. I know he can see the fear in my eyes.
" I love you babe, I will see you after class." He said with a soothing voice.

  I'm sitting in my class. I'm so distracted. I hope the teacher doesn't call on me.
What if the test is positive? We are still in high school. Do I really have to take this test?
I even considered ditching him after school and getting on the bus.
No, I can't do that. I know I would regret not seeing him after school.

  We head to lunch and the smell of the cafeteria makes me gag. The thought of food makes me want to hurl. I stand in line and act like everything is fine. The lunch lady puts a plate of chicken nuggets on my tray. I can't even stand to look at them.
I can't let Cody know that it is still bothering me. I put on a fake smile and go on with my day.

    I'm sitting in my last class. I can hear the clock ticking so loudly. Then, the bell rings. It's time to face my fear.
I meet Cody in the back of the school and we walk to his truck.
" Cody, I don't know if I can take this test."
" You can't avoid it forever babe." He replies as he's rubbing my hand with this thumb.
The ride to the store was awful. I had so many emotions going through me that I couldn't speak a word. I couldn't even look at Cody.
We pull into the parking lot.
" Do you want to get it or do you want me to?" He asks. " I can go get it. I will be right back." I say as I'm getting out of the truck trying not to freak out.

Here I go. I'm walking into the store. A part of me wants to lie and say they were sold out. I knew he would just take me to a different store. I'm scanning the aisle's until I come across them. There were so many different options.
Blue tests and pink tests.
I didn't even know how to take one. I pick one up and check out.
" $5.24" said the cashier.
I handed her the money even though I wanted to pretend like I didn't have it. I walk back to the truck and see Cody. His smile makes everything worth it.

  He drives me to his house. Nobody is home. I walk into his bathroom and lock the door behind me.
" Do you want me to come in with you? For support?" He asks from outside the door.
" No, I will be out in just a second." I replied.
I read the instructions but it seems pretty clear. I kept reading them to make sure that I don't make any mistakes.
Pee on the stick Dessy. It's not that hard.
Finally, I took the test.
Now I have to wait 3 minutes.
" Cody, could you set a timer on your phone for 3 minutes please." I yelled.
I walk out of the bathroom with the test laying on the counter. I placed the package on top of it so I didn't have to see it automatically when I walked in to check it.

  The timer goes off. That seemed like the longest 3 minutes of my life. My whole future was laying on the counter of Cody's bathroom sink. Was I ready to know? I guess it really didn't matter if I was ready. It was time to face it.

  Cody and I walk into the bathroom. He reads the instructions to see how a positive test looks. I pick up the packaging with the test laying under it. I close my eyes and hold my breath.

   "Cody, I don't understand." I said as I was staring at the test confused.
I looked at the instructions along with Cody to see what a positive test looks like. Two pink lines for positive and one pink line for negative. There was one line for sure but the other line was barely there.
" What does this mean Cody? There are two lines but one of them is harder to see."
" It says here that even a faint line is considered positive." He replied as his hands are shaking so bad. He can barely even hold the instructions.

  He looks at me with a dead stare. The eyes I usually look into seemed dull. Cody put his head down and went to his room. That was the reaction I was expecting but it wasn't the reaction I was wanting.
I sit next to him on the bed with the test in my hand.
" we are going to have a baby." He says under his breath.

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