Birth control

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  The week after prom was like a normal week. We went back to school as if nothing had ever happened. We were so in love with each other and everybody knew it.
As I'm sitting in the school cafeteria I feel my phone vibrate. It was a text from my mom that said
" I'm pulling you out of school in an hour for your appointment."
Ugh. I don't get to ride home with Cody today.
Cody looks over my shoulder and asks if everything is okay.
I simply said yes and hoped he didn't see the message. When our friends got up to go to class Cody whispered in my ear
" What is your appointment for?"
" I'm getting put on birth control so I can stay on the safe side." I whispered back.
He grinned and replied
" It's your body so so as you please. I will support you either way."
I looked at him with so much love.
How could Harley tell me to watch out for him? He is so gentle.
We leave lunch and go back to class.

  The phone rings in my classroom.
" Dessy, you are needed in the office. Take your books." Said my teacher.
I walk to the office and see my mom waiting for me with a smile.
" Hey, honey. How was your day?"
Here we go.
Same question every day.
" Would be better if Cody was driving me home." I replied with a giggle.
We walk to the car and I throw my books in the backseat. As we are pulling out of the parking lot I see Cody standing beside his truck.
He is waving at me.
Why isn't he in class?
I try to let it go but something isn't right. I decide to text him.
   " Hey, I saw you standing by your truck. Are you okay?"
     " Look behind you"
I look in the mirror of the car and see Cody's truck following behind us from a distance.
   " Why did you leave school?" I asked
        " I wanted to go with you to make sure everything goes okay."  He replied with a heart emoji.

Ugh. I love this man but it would be so awkward with him and my mom there while I was being put on birth control.
"You finally noticed that he was behind us?" My mom said.
" Yeah, he wants to go with me to my appointment." I replied scared to see how she would react.
" Well honey, if you want him there that is fine. I can wait in the car. You're growing up now so I believe it will be fine. Let me ask you one thing though. Are you sexually active?"
"MOM!" I replied embarrassingly.
" They are going to ask you in the doctors office so I thought I would ask. I won't judge you but I do want to make sure you are doing it safely."
I couldn't believe she said that. I thought for sure that she would scold me if I even had one thought of sex. I change the subject quickly.
We finally pull into the parking lot.
  " Hey Cody! How are you?" Said my mom.
  Ugh I wish she would just stop. I can't look at her in the eyes and have Cody standing next to me at the same time. It's just awkward now.
Cody grabs my hand and we walk into the office.
" Hi, I have an appointment today. My name is Desiree Richmond" I said to the receptionist.
" I have you checked in! Please take a seat!" She replied back.
Cody and I walked to our seats. He puts his hand on my leg and kissed my cheek.
" When is your period due." He asks while he puts his head down.
I pause because I couldn't believe he just asked me that. It was so random.
" In a week. Why?" I replied.
" I just know we weren't very safe last weekend. I want to make sure it comes on time."
I understood why he asked. I have just been avoiding the conversation.
" What happens if I end up being preg-"   
" Desiree Richmond, we are ready for you."
Shit. I didn't even get to finish my sentence.
" I love you, Dessy." Said Cody as I walked to the back.
They have me sit on a bed with noisy paper on top of it. Every time I make a move It causes a racket.
The nurse asks me about my history, my last period and of course, if I'm sexually active.
" Yes, I lost my virginity last weekend." I told the nurse.
" Okay well we have to do some tests before we can talk about birth control options." Replied the nurse. What kind of test is she talking about?
Oh, a pregnancy test I assume.
" I won't be needing a pregnancy test. My period is suppose to start in a week!" I said nervously.
" Well this test is to make sure you do not have any infections or sexually transmitted diseases." She replied.
WHAT? Why would she assume I would have an STD?

She walked out of the room to prepare the tests. As I'm sitting there I can't help but wonder if it's even possible for me to have that. Maybe that was what Harley was talking about when she said to stay away from him.
I feel my heart start racing as I begin to panic.
" Hi Desiree! I'm doctor Green! I'm going to do a few tests real quick!"
The doctor has me get undressed from the waist down and lay on the table.
The test were uncomfortable but I'm glad I was getting them.
When the doctor was done she sent the tests off with the nurse and talked to me about my options.
" I want to start off by trying the pill." I told the doctor.
" That is a great choice for starters! I will check on your tests and get that called into your pharmacy for you!"
When the doctor left the room I questioned my decision.
Was it really the right decision? Maybe I should have gone with something else.
Before I could finish my thoughts I hear a knock at the door.
" Desiree, your test came back fine!" I will call in your prescription and send you on your way."
" Thank you." I said as I was walking out of the door to see Cody.

He is sitting there with a smile on his face.
" What are you so happy about?" I asked.
" I always get happy to see you." He replied.
As we are walking out of the clinic I grab his hand.
" Do you wanna go out to eat tonight?" He asked.
" Yes, that sounds perfect. Let me go home and shower and then I will be ready." I replied.
As we are approaching my moms car I look at him.
" What happens if I end up pregnant?"
Cody looked at me.
Before he could get a word out my mom gets out of the car to get her chapstick out of her bag in the trunk. Once again, I don't get my question answered.
Cody kissed my forehead and told my mom he was taking me out tonight.

  When I got home I got in the shower. Maybe I didn't want an answer to the question. Something kept telling me I needed an answer though. I got out of the shower and got ready.
I called Cody to let him know that he could come get me. When he got there he came inside.
" Ms. Richmond, Can I take Dessy on a trip with me to Louisiana?" I heard Cody ask in the other room.
" Cody, why are you wanting to take her to Louisiana?" My mother asked.
I couldn't figure out why he was asking this. I quickly rush into the sitting room.
" Cody, let's go before it gets too late." I take his hand and we walk out of the door.
" Why do you want to go to Louisiana?" I asked
" I have family there that I want to visit and I want you to go too. It will be in 6 months." He replied
I looked in his eyes. I was scared to meet his whole family. I didn't want to tell him that though.
We get in the truck. The ride to the restaurant is silent. We finally make it there and sit down.
We each order our food.
" Cody, I need an answer to my question."
" What question?" He asked
" What happens if I end up pregnant." I said bluntly
" We will cross that bridge when it happens." He said calmly.
He's right. I'm thinking too far ahead. I'm practically freaking myself out over something that will probably never happen.
We enjoy our dinner and he takes me back home. He pulls into my driveway and turns his headlights off. He pulls me closer and kisses me cheek.
" Everything is going to be okay. I promise." He says as I'm staring into his eyes.
Then a feeling comes over me. " Oh no.. I'm going to vomit!" I said to Cody as I'm holding my hand over my mouth.
I jump out of his truck and try to make it to my house but I don't make it. He runs after me and holds my hair back.
" Babe, are you okay?" He asks.
" I am now. I don't know what happened. I must have a virus. I'm going to go in and go to bed. I love you."
He kissed my forehead and he went home.

I lay in bed that night. I get a call from Cody. That isn't unusual though because we do this every night.
" Hey babe, how are you feeling now?" He says in a shaky voice.
" I was fine but I'm starting to get nauseous again."
" I don't want to scare you but you do know that nausea is a sign of pregnancy right?" He says as he's breathing heavily.
Oh no. Is this happening?

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