Here goes nothing

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   I couldn't believe it! Cody! I opened his message.
  " Hey how are you doing" he said
Should I respond honestly? Or should I seem like I'm doing great without him.
" I'm okay. Just a little nauseous every now and then." I respond
" Desiree I don't want the baby. I don't want anything to do with it. I can and I won't." He responds
My heart sinks. He called me by my full name. He never did that. How could he not want a baby that he helped create? I ignore the message. I couldn't respond back to that. He blocks me again.

  Months pass slowly. 4 months down and 5 more to go..
I eventually announced my pregnancy. I'm sure I had many people talking behind my back.
Cody graduated along with my best friend Harley. Harley graduated early with special credits. She started college earlier than the rest. I graduated early too thanks to homeschool. I wanted to go to college but I knew my life was about to get harder. 

  It's Harley's birthday. I want to take her somewhere to eat.
" Hey I want to take you out for your birthday. Let's go eat!" I texted.
" Okay I get out of class at 12! We can go after that!" She responded.
We get to the restaurant and I see Cody's truck in the parking lot.
" Oh no Harley he is here!"
" I know, I invited him" she responded
WHAT! My best friend set me up.
Why would Cody want to come anyway? He hasn't contacted me in months.
We walk into the restaurant and he is sitting there with his friend. We walk over to the table and sit down. I sit straight across from Cody. We didn't make eye contact. We never said I word. I didn't even eat because I knew it would come right back up.
Finally, it was over. I wanted to hit the mall before we went home. Cody went as well.
I couldn't take it anymore.
" Harley I just want to go home." I say even though I enjoyed being around him a little bit.
Harley takes me home. I don't say a word to her. I'm a little upset that she would set me up like that. What kind of friend puts somebody in that situation? I go to the bathroom to take a shower when I hear my phone vibrate. I ignore it. Then it continues to vibrate more. Cody was calling.
" Hello?"
" Hey Dessy can we talk?" He replied.
I didn't know if I wanted to talk to him or not but I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
" Listen I'm sorry for doing that to you. Would you give me another chance?" He asks
" No Cody. I will not give you another chance. You disappeared for 4 months. I want you to be in the babies life but that doesn't mean that we have to be together." I replied with tears coming out of my eyes.
I wanted to be with him. I just couldn't trust him anymore. What if he disappeared again? I couldn't believe I turned him down. I was so proud of myself.
" That is fair. I will keep in contact." He replied as he hung up the phone.
Something in me told me that he wouldn't keep in contact. I texted him right after to tell him I had an ultrasound coming up if he wanted to go. I told him the day and time. Maybe he will show up and prove me wrong.

   It was the day of the ultrasound. I'm anxiously sitting in the car with my mom. I'm scanning the parking lot for his truck but I can't find it. I couldn't wait anymore. I was going to be late to my appointment. I walked in and sat in the waiting room. The doctor was running behind so I sat there longer than usual. Cody never showed up. I went to my ultrasound by myself. I saw my babies heart beating. In that moment I knew that I had done something right. I fell in love all over again that day.
" It's a girl!" Said the doctor.
Oh my. I'm having a baby girl!

  As time passed I was growing more and more excited over the fact that I was going to have my very own little girl. I didn't do much through my pregnancy. I mainly sat around the house. When I was 7 months pregnant my mom got married to my stepdad. I'm starting to give him a chance. He's taking care of us now. He told my mom that she could quit her job to stay home with me and help in any way that I needed. I haven't heard from Cody since Harleys birthday. I also stopped speaking to Harley first. I realized that it was always me who texted her first. When I stopped doing that I stopped hearing from her. It was just my mom and I against the world.

  I'm 8 months now. I'm growing bigger and everything is stretching. I had a small baby shower. My blood pressure started rising as I got farther along. I'm starting to feel really bad. I make an appointment with my doctor to see what is going on. When I got into the clinic my blood pressure was too high. My doctor decided to go ahead and put me in the hospital to try to deliver my baby. I went home that day and packed a hospital bag. I couldn't believe it. I was fixing to have my baby!
" Are you ready for this Dessy?" Asked my mom.
" I'm as ready as I'm going to be!" I replied.
We got in the car and headed to the hospital. My doctor gave me medicine to try to start labor. The contractions started that night. It was the worse pain I had ever felt. All I wanted was an epidural to make it stop. I finally got my epidural in and the pain stopped. I was so relieved.

  I'm laying in the hospital bed. Everything is spinning. I have no idea what is going on but I didn't care. I was just happy that the pain stopped. I hear my moms phone ring.
" What! Okay thanks for letting me know." Said my mom in the distant.
I was so out of it that I couldn't even ask what was going on. Finally, I went to sleep.

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