Doctor's appointment

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   Cody drives me home later that day. For once I couldn't wait to be home. I walk in the door. Before my mom has a chance to ask me about my day I walk to my room and lay on my bed.
How was I going to tell my mom? She is going to be so mad at me. I just won't tell her.

  The night passes and I can't sleep. I stay up until 4am deciding what to do. I felt guilty for not telling my mom. After everything we have been through I felt like I should tell her.
6am came around. I went into her bedroom and sat on her bed. She was sleeping so peacefully but the guilt was eating me alive.
I wake her up. She's dazed and confused. She is asking if I'm okay.
Am I okay? I wanted to say no but then she would worry.
  " Mom, I want to tell you something. Please don't be mad." I say as tears start rolling down my face.
She doesn't respond. She just looks at me with a blank stare.
" Mom, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive."
The words just spilled out. I couldn't think of a better way to say it.
She has no words. I pull out the test and show her.
" Honey, it's going to be okay." She says as she's sitting up to hug me.
I couldn't believe it. Did she really just say that? I really needed those words right then.
" Call the clinic and make an appointment."
What? I've never had to make an appointment before. I gave her a look of confusion.
" If you're going to be a mom then you need to make your own appointment." She says with a chuckle.
I get on my phone and search for the number. I make my appointment for the same day.

I text Cody to let him know. His response was short. "Okay" he replied.
He didn't offer to come with me. He didn't ask if I was okay. He must have just been nervous.

  My mom and I go to my appointment. The doctor was so nice. I was so worried about judgment. She takes blood work and tells me that she will call me with the results. I didn't know what a blood test did but I agreed and acted like I knew everything about it.

  I get a phone call three hours later.
" Your HCG levels are above 30. Anything above 5 is considered pregnant. Congratulations you are pregnant!" Said the doctor.
I let out a simple " Thank you" and hung up the phone. I tell my mom what the doctor says.
" Dessy I'm not going to lie. I am a little excited to have a baby around here."
How could she be excited? Her teenage daughter is pregnant. I call Cody but he doesn't answer the phone. That is unlike him. I text him and tell him. He responds back within 30 minutes.
" Wow" he says.
Is that all I get? A simple wow?

  Life continues as normal. Cody still picks me up from school. We usually don't mention the fact that I'm growing our child inside of me.
I make an ultrasound appointment and go to it with my mom. I couldn't believe that Cody didn't want to go. They confirmed that I was 6 weeks pregnant by the time I was able to get an ultrasound. That's when things decided to take a turn for the worse. Cody changed.

  One day I was no longer able to reach him. He wouldn't answer his phone or his messages. He was suppose to come pick me up that day. I start to worry about him so I call him repeatedly.
He finally answers. " Stop calling me. I'm busy right now. What do you want?" He says angrily.
" I'm sorry I was worried about you. You weren't answering your phone" I reply.
" Dessy, this isn't working out. Our relationship just isn't working out. I want to break up."
How could he say that? Oh my God. He just said he wanted to break up.
But I'm pregnant with his baby. I paused. My thoughts kept rushing in.
" No, you can't break up with me. I'm pregnant Cody."
I said knowing he could do whatever he wanted to do.

He hung up the phone. Oh no, here it comes. I rush to the bathroom and vomit. I'm crying uncontrollably.
" Dessy, what's wrong?" Asks my mom.
" Cody! He just broke up with me!"
" Honey, you won't say broken up. He's probably just nervous right now." She replies trying to help the situation.

   I get on my social media and see that he has changed all of his pictures back.
It says single.
Why would it say single?
I text him but the messages won't deliver.
He blocked my number. I try to message him on social media but before I can do it he blocks me.
What is going on? Cody is so sweet. Why would he do this to me?

  Two days pass. I haven't heard a word from him. My mom pulls me out of school to start homeschooling. She takes me to the school to clean out my locker.
I'm trying to avoid Cody at all costs.
I finally get home. I lay on my bed crying because normally I would be riding home with him. All of the sudden I feel my phone vibrate.

It's Cody..

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