Getting through the Pain

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I look around the shower room with hesitation, I can't believe I have to get naked in front of all these men, I put my head down making no eye contact.

I am jostled by the guard " shower now" He yells in a very authoritative voice which makes me jump as it echos through the room, I walk over to the edge of the room where there is a bench to place my clothes on, I stand with my head bowed looking at my feet trying to prolong the inevitable.

" Strip now" I hear near my head as I am pushed by the guard making me stumble forward into the bench, I let out a hiss of pain as my legs make contact with the wood, I know I will definitely have a bruise there tomorrow.

I slowly pull my shirt over my head, and I suddenly hear a whistle and I freeze on the spot as shivers run up my spine, I feel a tear slide down my face, I am absolutely terrified to be in this situation, as I hear comments all around me.

" Look at that pretty boy lads" I hear.

" Isn't he a beauty".

" Going to fuck him good".

My body is shaking with trembles as the guard once again shoves me laughing.
" Come on pretty boy what are you waiting for?".

With shaking hands, I pull the rest of my clothes off, placing them neatly on the bench before turning around, I make my way to the closest shower and step under the spray with is barely warm and my body shivers from the lack of heat.

I stop still  as I hear a voice at my ear, expecting the worse.
" You are so pretty baby" I flinch as a tongue lick down my neck, my natural instinct kicks in as I pull away from the man behind me.

" Don't touch me" I yell out As I move away with my back to the shower wall.

" Hear that lads, pretty boy doesn't want to be touched". He saids laughing, He moves right in front of my face, and I gulp, feeling small under his aggressive tone.

" See in here people like you don't have a say in anything, this is my turf  you are on, and I control everything, I control when you sleep, when you eat and when you shit, you are mine now."

My breathing starts to pick up and my heart is hammering in my chest as he inches closer to me, I try to move further back but I have nowhere to go as my body is up against the cold wall of the tiles.

I feel fingers run down the side of my face and on instinct I Swatch them away.

I am scanning my eyes around the  shower room searching for the Guard who is meant to be guarding the area, who is now nowhere in sight, I immediately think I have been set up in this situation.

" Look how scared he is boys" The man in front of me said laughing at his mates who are all standing together waiting for the show.

" Teach  him some respect Razor" One of the men calls out.

" Show him who is Boss" I hear another call out, I now know that the man standing in front of me is named Razor.

I watch as Razor moves right up close to me his hands run down the side on my body before I feel his hand cup my cock, His hot revolting breath falls on my face as I screw up my eyes, my mind is churning with thoughts , do I fight for my life or do I let him do what he obviously wants to do, A shiver quakes through my body, as I automatically push at his, and decide I am going to fight back.

" Get the fuck off me" I scream at his face while I try to push him away with all my strength, I bring my leg up and knee him straight in the balls and he falls to the floor groaning out.

" You shouldn't have done that" I hear to my side as I see I am now surrounded by Men.

"Know one Hurts Razor and lives to tell anyone about it".

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