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I breath in Harrys smells as he holds me in his arms, I instantly feel my body start to tremble from the shock of what just took place, his arms secure more tightly around me and I feel safe, Harry pulls me back searching my eyes.

"Baby we have to keep moving, I have to get you out of here, Lou, can you do that" I nod my head in agreement, but still remain silence.

Harry turns me in his arms as he once again puts his body over mine and we start slowing moving along the confined space, which has barely room for one person let alone two, the heat is suffocating, making it hard to catch my breath as we keep moving, I can feel Harrys body pressed on top of  mine,  I feel protected and safe from his strength surrounding me.

" We are nearly there, not long and we will be back to the cell". I let out a sigh of relief hearing those words.

We come to a stop as Harry, starts pulling a panel back and then we are looking at the concern face of Zayn.

" About time you got back" I hear him say to Harry " I was just about to come looking for you".

I find myself being lowered into Zayn's waiting arms I watch as Harry jumps down after me then I find myself back in his and I holding on for dear life.

" Are you hurt?". I hear Harry asking me through my fog filled brain, I feel like I am drifting I can hear what is going on around me, but I seem not to be able to respond, I hear talking and words like bureau but just let myself drift to this fuzzy place in my head where it is safe and calm.

I come around to feel myself secure still in Harrys arms; his fingers are running lightly over my back in a circular motion.

" Welcome back baby how do you feel?".

I put my head up and blink my eyes until I settle on Harrys green flecked ones, and all I can see is concern and love seeping out from his eyes to mine, I feel the  tears invade my eyes as few stary tears roll down my check, I watch as Harry's thumb reaches up and wipes away the tears, until the tears get to heavy, and sobbing takes over my body.

I don't know how long we stay like this, but it seems to be awhile as everything else fades away and it's just us, it seems deadly quite around us which I find extremely strange , where is all the noise that we hear on a daily basis ,  the constant yelling and banter between the prisoners which sometimes gets so loud  it hurts my head, I put my head up and take a quick glance around the small confided  room , which only consist of a single bed, toilet and a sink with one lone light bulb casting light around the room.

" Where are we?". I question.

'Solitary confinement"

" Well, it's obviously not solitary if you are with me, but really how? am I in trouble? it wasn't me that started the riot, why are you in here? so many questions are flying around in my head that I need answers for.

" You are not in trouble Lou; I pulled a few strings and got you put in here to keep you safe while a few other things are taking place". He is always pulling strings it makes me really question what role harry plays in this prison.

I turn my body towards his and pull myself up from his embrace, my head spins making me lean over.

" What is it baby?" Harry asks his voice laced with concern.

" Just dizzy that's all "I take a few deep breaths until the dizziness starts to fade, I bring my eyes up to meet Harrys and see the exhaustion set on his face, black circles under his eyes, stress lines around his mouth all made more noticeable by the intense look he is giving me.

" What's happening out there?". 

" The prison remains in lockdown until this get cleaned up and the appropriate people are delt with".

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