We deserve to be happy

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Hi this will be the final chapter, please go back and read the last two chapters, as I was not happy with them when I posted them and have done a bit of editing, crediting something that I am happy with now. Enjoy this last chapter and thank you for supporting me.💚💙

We step out of the  private elevator to a grand entrance, there is marble pillars, plush red mats leading to a very expensive looking door, we continue to move forward as a group then Zayn is opening the door, I catch my breath at the stunning site before me.

I am quickly drawn to the large windows  like a moth to a flame, they are so large they remind of a shop front, it's so clear that the panorama view looks like it is on a  high-definition screen, the  lights from the city below is so far away, it looks like another world.

I feel arms hands on me as Harry arms sneak around my waist, " It's an incredible sight" I say looking at the skyline.
" The view is better from here" Harry's deep voice whispers against my ear, I inhale sharply as sparks shoot straight to my stomach and the butterflies start to dance, I lean back into his embrace.

" Dinners will be here in a minute "I hear Niall yell out, Harry's gently turns me in his arms, pressing a kiss on my lips, " let's go eat".

I really don't feel like eating but walk with Harry , I now take the time to take in the area that surrounds me, it oozes luxurious, not only the views are breathtaking but also what's stands in front of me, I let my eyes skim around the living area which is sunken in the middle with a grey inviting plush lounge, , there is a corner dining room which provides multiple exposures and runs seamlessly into a eat in chefs kitchen space, showcasing a wine cellar , storage and a center island marble flooring and countertops with stainless steel kitchen appliances, it evokes a feeling of luxury like I have never experienced.
Harry leads me over the lounge pulling him down next to me, it's deep and cozy and I feel myself relaxing into it.

I look up as the door opens and I see Brady walking towards us loaded up with bags of food, I watch Niall Meet him halfway and take some of the bags " I'm starving" He saids and everyone laughs.
Niall unloads the bags, it smells spicy, a delicious aroma and I find my stomach agreeing with this statement.
The coffees table in front of the lounge has plates , cutlery and napkins, the knives and forks so shiny I can see reflections from around the room , I watch as Harry dishes up rice , curry and vegetables which look extremely inviting, the first mouthful set of an explosion of flavor to my taste buds, it's a subtle burning taste but mouthwatering and delicious, I eat what my body can hold and  place my plate back on the table .

I look around at all the faces and I see, friendship, love and devotion in many different forms, friends that have gelled together under the one roof, I smile when my gaze lands on Liam and Zayn, I have never seen Liam so content and happy as he sits alongside him, he must feel me watching and he turns up his eyes towards me, another silent look we share.

I watch as all the boy's joke around and interact as I sit quietly and take it all in.

" Are you ok Love" Harry hands touches my shoulder coming to rest around me pulling me close.

" Just taking it all in, how long have you all lived together?".

" We have been friends and colleagues in a specialized group for eight years, living together for three, it works really well for us, we pooled our money to get this beautiful place". Harry explains.

" I have questions?". the room falls quiet.

" I know you  do, Ask away baby".

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