My Saviour

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Then there is silence all around me as everyone has gone to the mess hall for dinner, and I take it the silence where there is always continual noise and for that one moment, I can breathe a bit easier.
I am lost in my thoughts when I feel excruciating pain as I am pulled from my bed by my hair and thrown onto the floor like a rag doll.

" You think you can mess with Razor and get away with it, Razor might still be in locked up pretty boy, but we can finish the job for him" I hear a voice at the side of ear, and I instantly regret my decision to stay on my own, Zayn must have known something like this was bound to happen after his insistence pleads.

" Razor doesn't liked being locked up pretty boy, and he is not happy, all you had to do was take it like a man and none of this would be happening right now" I hear as a shoe makes connections with my stomach and all my air in my lungs is instantly gone, a few more kicks to my stomach make me cry out in pain.

" Hold him up" I hear as my tortured body gets dragged up and positioned so I am facing my front and I meet the man who is behind my punishment, it is not someone I have seen before but with the many thousands of prisoners I am bound to not know a few.

I am being helped up by two men as fists start the assault on my body, I don't know how long I am going to last this attack I think when I am suddenly let loose, and I fall to the floor.

I hear shouting and fists against flesh as I put up my head to see who is my rescuer?

I can see long hair moving over a very muscular back visible through his clothes, I watch as his arms are like battering rams as his arm swings back and forth blow after blow, I can hear lots of strangled cries as he keeps up his assault.

He finally stops as the men around him struggle to their feet.

" He is mine and mine alone, spread the word, no one touches what is mine" I hear him say in an authority voice, I watch slowly as the head turns and blue eyes meet green again.

I watch as this exquisite creature walks slowly towards me like he is stalking his prey and I instantly feel shivers.

He stops in front of me and holds out his hand to help me up, it is with great difficulty, and I hiss with the pain.

" Your hurt?" his voice questions low and rough.

My eyes meet him and I nod my head as the pain sweeps through my body and tears start to form in my eyes, before I know what is happening I am lifted up into his arms and he is walking out my cell and down the corridor, his large quick strides jostle my body causing me to whimper in pain.

" shhhh  I have got you" I hear at my ear, as I close my eyes and bury my face against his chest.

I hear a muffled conversation as I am placed down on a bed in the infirmary again.

I feel a hand swipe my fringe across my forehead then another set of hands in on me checking me over.

"I can't say I am happy to see you in here again Mr Tomlinson, this is what, like your third visit in as little as the five days you have been here".

" Well, it's not my fault if people like to use me as a punching bag is it" I sass back and I hear a throaty chuckle to my side.

" Is he going to be ok doc?".

" Yeah Styles, I will fix him up and send him back to his cell soon".

I feel the air around me move then I hear a door close, and I am alone with the doctor.

My Saviour has left before I even had the chance to say thank you, and this bothers me a bit, I will make it my mission to track him down after I have been let out of this place, I am brought out of my thought as the doctor starts up a conversation with me.

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