Getting some answers

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As I shuffle back through the corridors, I try to make sense of what just happened, the look on James's face said it all, without a doubt I think he is the one responsible for Olivia's death, he was the one with the most to gain if she was no longer around.

The sounds hit me as I am lead down the hallway, inmates banging rhythmically on the walls, screams layered over the top of audio which is piped around the cells , shouts and cat calls blend in as I continue, I feel myself relax a bit when I finally see the familiar area which means I am very close to my cell and close to having Harry's strong arms around me, that's what I crave , What I need, that is what I yearn for .
I finally find myself standing in front of my cell and I look up to meet Harry's piercing green eyes, the heated intensity glance that makes my pulse skip and I take a deep breath, and everything feels whole again.

I watch him stand and already I can feel the tears start to form in my eyes, he steps forward as I step forward until I find myself comforted in his waiting arms and I melt into his embrace, it engulfs me, and I feel safe.

" I've got you" He whispers, his breathe sweeping across my neck giving me shivers of sensation of want and need.
I tilt my head back and look into his eyes, the stunning green eyes that I could get lost in forever, I watch as his head moves closer to me before his lips brush mine, soft but firm, I creep my arms around his neck trying to deepen the kiss so everything else can just fade away, my thoughts, the sounds and the pain I need it all gone just for just a moment, I need to get lost in the euphoria that's sparks from his soul to mine.

I let out a strangled cry as he pulls back from me but his arms still hold me secure.

" What do you need?" I can see his eyes searching mine.

" Just you, only you". I feel his arms tighten around me as he leads me over to my bunk, settling himself down pulling me across his chest, I lay against him with my ear resting over his heart and listen to the familiar steady beat which brings me comfort.

Harrys hands make their way under my shirt and his fingers find the softness of my skin, making a swirling pattern with his fingertips, I release a breath relaxing deep into his embrace.

" Did it go that well?".

I don't even know how to answer that question, do I really want to talk about it at the moment, I am enjoying the peace as much as you can in here.

We both look towards the cell door to a noise that startles us.

" Come on love birds, recreation time" we hear whistler say as the door slides back, I loosen my grip on harry and slowly move away instantly missing the connection.

As we step outside the cell, Zayn and Niall fall in ahead of us as we all make our way through to the large yard which serve as our recreation sight , it is really just a large grassed area surrounded by a very high fences with guard towers set out at intervals, there are a few metal tables scattered throughout the area which are attached to cement blocks, I am presuming so the tables can't be used as weapons. I can see a group of to the side having a game of footy, other groups just hanging in a group talking, like us.

" How's it going rocky?" Niall said with laughter in his voice, I knew that name was going to stick.

" How did court go?" Zayn asks.

I have three sets of eyes searching my face looking for answers, I can feel the tips of Harrys fingertips as they brush against the top of my arm.

" It was interesting, very interesting, James Corden was called to the stand and let me tell you he had said some very incriminating things, which didn't go down very well  with the judge , Liam caught him in so many lies, He said he didn't know Olivia and that he hadn't spoken to her on the night of the party , but Liam was able to provide proof of three people who had seen him speaking to her on the night".

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