Practice makes perfect, right?

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Maya and Carina had been running through and acting out the script for a little while now, and had since opened a new bottle of wine.

Due to both of them being complete perfectionists and the fact that the scenes were quite long, they hadn't reached the end yet.

"You can come a little closer you know, I won't bite" Carina read off the script, smirking a little.

"I kinda hope you will" Maya grinned, stepping forward. They both paused for a moment, like the script directed, until they continued.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?" Carina whispered.

"You're the first" Maya read.

"And hopefully also the last" Carina replied, timing the line perfectly.

And this was the moment. Both of them knew it. They knew this was the end of the lines and where they were meant to seal the scene.

Maya glanced at the script in her hand before looking back up at Carina, both of them thinking the exact thing.

Within seconds, they gravitated towards one another, kissing in a perfect rhythm and feeling like time had stopped. Maya's hands landed on Carina's waist, holding her close.

Once they pulled away, Maya bit her lip to hide her smirk.

"Practice makes perfect, right?" Carina giggled and Maya nodded.

Carina however then stepped away and flipped her script to the beginning. "Okay, do you want to go again?" she asked like the kiss meant nothing to her.

"Erm sure yeah I just- I need to just do something" Maya excused herself, grabbing her phone and leaving to go upstairs.

She rang Vic and explained everything, "I'm making a complete fool of myself! I thought she was into me, and she definitely kissed me back, but I guess it is just a rehearsal for her" Maya sighed.

"What you need, is a little jealousy... see how she will react. You know who to call" Vic replied.

"No I can't, that's crazy" Maya shook her head for no.

"Fine, fine... just see what she's like later on". The call ended and Maya went back downstairs.

As she walked into the room, Carina stuffed her phone in her back pocket and stood up, "Maya I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you like that, it's so unprofessional. I know it's part of the scene but we don't need to practice that obviously" she laughed nervously, "I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable".

"You didn't make me feel uncomfortable" Maya said quietly.

"I didn't? Wait what?" Carina asked confused. She must've accidentally hit speaker on her phone in her pocket, making Maya aware she was on the phone to someone.

"Carina hello?? Are you there?? Tell Maya you want to kiss her again woman! If you're into her, don't let her go" the caller shouted down the phone, making Carina instantly red and embarrassed. She fumbled for her phone, hitting the red button and throwing it on the sofa.

"I might- maybe we should call it a night here" Carina panicked. Suddenly seeing Carina lose all of her confidence made Maya gain hers back.

"You're cute when you're nervous" Maya grinned.

"What?" Carina laughed nervously.

"Don't leave on my account, please stay. Like I said, you didn't make me feel uncomfortable... quite the opposite really" Maya admitted.

"Are you playing with me right now?" Carina giggled, watching Maya walk over to her.

"I think we should run over the scene again... if you're staying" Maya said, voice low.

"Which part?" Carina asked softly, now standing incredibly close to Maya.

"The last part" Maya whispered. There was a pause when both women looked at each other in the eyes. "If you're okay with that".

"I'm more than okay with that" Carina confirmed. Seconds later their lips smashed together. "Mmm" the Italian moaned.

"Mhm" Maya replied, wrapping her arms around Carina's waist. Tongues slid in and met one another, moving perfectly in sync like they had been doing this for a long time.

"I think we're going to nail this scene next week now" Carina said breathlessly.

"Yeah, right... the scene" Maya said, a little disappointed.

"Can we just forget about work for now?" Carina asked softly, stroking the blonde's cheek with her thumb. Maya nodded so the Italian reconnected their lips, taking the blonde by surprise.

Carina's phone began to ring, which pulled the couple away. They both noticed a name on the screen: "Gianni".

"Do you need to get that?" Maya glanced from her phone on the sofa back to Carina, not moving her arms from around her waist.

"It's erm... no I'll ring him back" Carina shook her head, looking slightly conflicted.

"Who is that?" Maya asked.

"It's just someone I know from home".

"Someone as in... a friend or more than a friend?".

Carina stayed silent for a moment.

"Are you dating him?" Maya frowned.

"No it's- it's complicated okay" Carina sighed as Maya stepped away from her.

"Is that why you want to go back to Italy so badly? Because you've got your lover waiting for you?".

"No, no it's not like that. We're just friends that have a past, that's all" Carina excused.

Then Maya's phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and saw Vic's caller ID, but Carina didn't.

Without a second thought, Maya answered, "hey baby" as she walked out of the room.

Carina was frustrated, jealous, so fucking jealous. How could she be? She didn't have the right to be. She might've just fucked everything up before it even started because she couldn't get her words out. Her and Gianni have a past but it was when they were teenagers. Now they're just purely friends.

Carina paced the room for moment, thinking about what to do as the blonde was nowhere to be seen.

"Ah fuck it" Carina breathed out, storming out to find Maya.


I couldn't resist🤭

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