The most perfect day ever

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Maya was the first to wake up the next morning, turning to her right to see possibly the most beautiful person she has ever laid eyes on. Well not possibly, she is the most beautiful person in the world.

She quickly grabbed her phone to check it, knowing Vic will have texted her a million and one questions. Turns out she had.

Vic: What is happening over there?! I'm guessing you're all okay since you're not ringing me back and calling me baby again🤪

Vic: Okay no answer and it's now 10pm... BISHOP I need the details answer the phone!!!!

Vic: I'm so happy you're so involved with Carina in whatever you're doing but pls promise me you won't forget about me when you fall in love🥲

There was more messages sent, and Maya giggled reading through them. She decided to text her back, letting her know she was okay.

Maya: Hey V, all good over here. Just woke up, pretty tired tbh. Lying naked next to Carina. Talk to you later xxxx

She put her phone to the side, giggling away as she knew the chaos she has caused giving Vic just a teaser.

She turned back to Carina, admiring every small detail on her face.

"You're staring" Carina muttered, eyes closed.

"You're beautiful" Maya whispered.

Carina shifted to cuddle into Maya, placing her head in her neck. "Buongiorno" she said in her morning voice. So so sexy.

"Good morning" Maya replied, smiling widely.

The blonde moved so she could look at Carina, making the Italian screw her face up, "it's so bright" she whined.

Maya cupped her chin, "shh close your eyes" she whispered, moving to kiss her softly.

"So smooth" Carina whispered back, kissing her again.

They laid in bed for a while until they decided to get up for some coffee. Carina opened the curtains fully, noticing heavy snow falling from the sky.

"Oh shit" she cursed.

"What?" Maya asked from the other side of the room.

"It's snowing, really heavily. It's thick on the ground already" Carina explained, "I don't know if I can drive in that".

Maya smiled, walking over to Carina and wrapping her arms around her from behind, "you'll have to stay here longer, what a shame" Maya teased, making Carina roll her eyes playfully.

"I'll have to cancel my plans" Carina said, turning around to kiss Maya and wrap her arms around her neck.

"I can drive you home in my car if you want so you don't miss your plans? My car is bigger, it can manage a little snow" Maya said softly.

"No, no bambina it's okay".

"I don't want you to have to cancel your day though".

"Are you kidding? I'm snowed in with a girl I've been utterly obsessed with since I met her a month ago and you think I want to look for a way to leave?" she raised her eyebrows.

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