If I'm sleeping with a woman, then so are you

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The next few days flew by and finally Friday came. Maya had gotten up at 3am to take Carina to the airport, saying goodbye and Merry Christmas a million times. First Christmas together, but alone. This was going to be tough.

Maya arrived back home only to be greeted by a very excited Finn, wanting a morning walk already. There was no chance of the blonde sleeping anyway, so she wrapped up and took him out.

Carina: I'm just about to board now. I love you bambina. I will call you when I get there 😘

Maya: I'll miss you gorgeous. I love you so much. Have a safe flight ❤️

"What are we going to do without her?" Maya asked Finn, cuddled up on the sofa. "Hm? What are we going to do".

Finn barked and received a scratch behind the ear.

"Exactly, I don't know what we're going to do either".

At 6:43pm LA time, Maya's phone pinged. She grabbed it to see if Carina had landed, not that she hadn't been tracking the flight anyway.

Carina: Just landed, I'm exhausted and look like shit. But I miss you, and my lips miss you. Give Finn a cuddle from me 😘

Maya: I'm pretty sure you don't look like shit. But even if you do, you'd be the prettiest shit I've ever seen🤪

Carina: You. Are. Weird.

Maya: Love yaaaaaa😘

Carina: What are you doing tonight?

Maya: I'm going out with Vic, Jack, Travis and Andy for drinks

Carina: Very nice! Enjoy bambina 😘

"LETSSSSS GOOOOOO" Vic sang as the group arrived at the bar. "Whatever everyone wants and 5 shots of tequila thank youuuuu" she said to the bartender.

"Oh we're getting fucked" Travis laughed.

They sat round a booth with their drinks and a shot each, after drinking one at the bar.

"I am so looking forward to this time off" Andy said.

"Oh me too" Travis added, "I'm going to sleep until I can't sleep anymore".

"I am most excited for our Christmas dinner together" Andy added.

"Me too, cheers to that" Jack clinked their bottles together.

"What about you Bishop? You're awful quiet" Travis asked.

"I know you're sad Carina isn't here, we're all going to miss her, but we're going to have so much fun next week, a proper friend Christmas" Vic pulled her in.

"I know and it's pathetic but I just miss her you know, and Christmas is a big holiday. I just wish I could be with her".

"I'm going to pretend to not be offended about that" Jack teased.

"Why don't you dress up as Carina and have sex with Maya for Christmas?" Travis said to Jack, teasing him.

"They do enough dressing up themselves" Vic slid in, sipping her beer. Maya shot her a look.

"Oooo there's a story. Do tell" Andy said excitedly.

"Nah nah don't, Carina's not here she might get embarrassed" Maya shook her head.

"Well considering she was all for me telling the group when I was joking with her earlier over text, I think she wouldn't mind" Vic chuckled.

"Fine" Maya laughed, holding out her hand, "go ahead Hughes".

"I saw Carina in red lingerie".

"SHUT UP" Andy screamed.

Jack nodded in appreciation, not sure how to appropriately act without Maya punching him.

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