You know she likes you

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"No fucking way" the mysterious woman said, walking up beside Maya at the bar.

"Holy shit" Maya laughed, "what are you doing here?".

"Searching for my favourite girl of course!" she laughed, throwing her arms around Maya.

"No seriously, what are you doing here?" she spoke slowly, alcohol hitting her more than she realised.

"I told you, searching for my favourite girl... so can't stay for long, gotta find a lucky lady to go home with" she teased, tapping Maya on the bum.

"Isabella, you have not changed have you?" Maya shook her head, smirking through her drunk state.

"Why would I want to change?" she smirked, biting her lip. "I've missed you! How have you been, how's life, what's going on?".

"I've finished work for the holidays, very very happy, I'm actually here with my friends" Maya pointed over to the table of people, looking over at them. "My girlfriend is out of the country though, for the holidays".

"And you Maya Bishop have changed. No more one night stands" Isabella teased.

"No... unlucky for you" Maya laughed.

"Listen, I tried many times and didn't succeed, I gave up a long time ago. I am well and truly over it" she playfully nudged her.

"Do you want to come and sit over here? With my  friends?".


"Guys, this is Isabella, one of my friends from years ago, this is Jack, Vic, Andy and Travis".

"Lovely to meet you guys" Isabella smiled, sitting next to Travis, separated from Maya by Vic.

"How do you guys know each other?" Vic asked.

"We met through mutual friends absolutely years and years ago" Isabella explained, "we were close for ages but we ended up losing touch".

"Yeah because someone decided to move to New York" Maya playfully rolled her eyes.

"Yeah for work!".

"I'm only teasing" Maya grinned, sipping her beer.

Vic gave her a look, and Maya responded with a confused look.

"What are you doing?" Vic whispered.

"What? Nothing" Maya shrugged.

"You're quite the flirt, aren't you?" Andy said, without a care in the world.

"Me?" Isabella giggled, "I guess you could say that. But it's all just me being friendly, I don't mean anything by it. Most of the time".

"And what times do you mean it?" Vic decided to speak up, getting braver with all the alcohol in her system.

"You can all relax, I don't actually mean it now" she laughed with the blonde, "it's just a laugh, like how we used to be, right babe?" she said to Maya. "Anyway, I've seen your girl online, she is stunning! I'm just having a laugh with an old friend. No harm done" she shrugged.

"Oh shit, well I didn't mean to interrogate you" Vic said, now feeling a little stupid.

"Yeah me either" Andy added.

"No it's all okay, honestly" she laughed, "just out of curiosity, are either of you single?".

"Okay, enough! You can't take my friends!" Maya laughed.

"I volunteer to be taken!" Vic said dramatically, holding her hand in the air.

"Me too!" Andy added.

"What... at the same time?" Isabella smirked.

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