You must be Maya

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"Okay so... it's 3pm now. Do you want to grab some lunch?" Carina asked, "and I can show you around".

"Sure that'll be great" Maya smiled, as they both got off the bed, "but wait, I didn't come here to drag you away from your family. I don't want them to hate me, they never get to see you. Why don't we go get lunch and then you go back to them?".

Carina began to smirk, so Maya continued, "what?" she giggled.

"Or... you could come and meet them" she grinned.


"Bambina come on, it'll be fun. You're here and this is perfect. It'll be ages before you can meet them again, or before I bring you back here".

"You're going to bring me back here?" Maya said cutely.

Carina held her hand, "of course I will! Now anyway, why don't we go for lunch and then go to my parent's house? Unless you really don't want to, and then we won't".

Maya took a deep breath, "okay" she giggled, "let's do it, let's meet them".

Carina squealed, "yay! Just a warning my sisters will probably be there too, we're all going to a Christmas dinner party later".

"Okay but you have to promise me you go to that party! Don't bail for me!" Maya warned.

"Hmm" Carina tilted her head in thought, "we'll see, we'll see".

Maya playfully rolled her eyes.

"When is your flight back?" Carina asked as they walked through the streets hand in hand.


"The day before Christmas eve?".

"Yeah, I tried to fly home Christmas eve but there wasn't any flights".

"You know... you could... always stay, for Christmas".

"What in a hotel? No" Maya giggled.

"No with me and my family, I'm sure they won't mind".

Maya stopped walking, "no, honestly I don't want to do that. There's nothing worse than some stranger coming in to mix up your family dynamics on Christmas".

"They won't care!" Carina laughed.

"Babe I love you, and I would love to spend Christmas with you, but I'd feel awkward, and plus I have Christmas Day planned with all our friends, and I need to get back to Finn" she pouted, and Carina playfully rolled her eyes.

"Fine" Carina laughed, "I accept because of Finn".

Maya giggled and kissed her, "good. Maybe next year we can work something out to be together".

Carina kissed her back, "I can't wait".

"I should've brought wine. Should I have brought wine? I'm nervous" Maya rambled, walking up the street to Carina's parent's house hours later.

"Okay stop, you're going to be just fine okay" Carina held both of her hands, standing in front of her.

"I'm scared" Maya whispered, laughing through it.

Carina grabbed her cheeks with both hands and pulled her in for a searing kiss.

"You're going to be fine" Carina reiterated before she kissed her again.

Maya pulled away, almost too stunned to speak, "do you think you could do that again? Maybe I should act nervous more often".

Carina laughed, taking her hand as they began to walk again.

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