I'm glad to be of service

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Maya threw Carina's shirt to the side and pulled hers off within seconds.

A smirk appeared on Carina's face as her eyes traced the blonde's naked body. Maya did the same to Carina, with both of them only wearing lace panties.

Without warning, Maya stepped forward, lifting Carina up by her thighs and connected their lips. She walked back to the bed, gently laying Carina down as she did so.

"You're so sexy" Maya breathed out in between kisses, now lying on top of the Italian.

Carina ran her nails along the length of Maya's back, causing goosebumps to arise all over the blonde's body. As her hands made their way back down her back, Carina pulled Maya's panties off.

"You first" Maya whispered, smirking as she began placing kisses down her body. "How are you this beautiful?" she whispered, holding eye contact as she slid off Carina's thong, throwing it on the floor.

She separated Carina's legs, watching a smirk grow on the Italian's face as she moved to make contact with her clit.

"Fuckkk me" Carina breathed out, feeling all levels of pleasure already.

"Hmm you taste good" Maya moaned, sucking and licking her clit. She slipped her middle finger into her entrance, "you hear how wet you are?".

"Mm" Carina moaned, gripping the sheets.

"What was that?" Maya grinned, curling her fingers as they pounded in and out of her.

"So... good" she sighed, "more bella... more".

Maya did as she was told, adding another finger and increasing her rhythm as she did so. The blonde continued her tongue action on Carina's clit, feeling her getting close to the edge already.

"Oh fuck I'm gonna-" Carina moaned.

"Don't cum" Maya demanded, "not yet".

"Maya... please- it feels so good" Carina sighed.

"Hold it" Maya demanded, smirking and enjoying every moment of this. "You're gonna be a good girl for me".

"Mhm..." Carina nodded, eyes closed and lip bit, desperately trying to hold off.

"Hmm... good" Maya praised. The blonde moved up Carina's body so she was now face to face with her, maintaining her hand movement. "Look at me" she demanded, and Carina did so, holding eye contact. "Cum for me... now".

"Oh yes YES YES" Carina moaned, as her legs began to shake immediately.

Maya pulled her fingers out and sucked them individually before taking the full length in her mouth. She kissed Carina, slipping her tongue in. "You taste good" she said against her lips, voice low.

"You're so good at that" Carina sighed happily.

"Was it okay?" Maya said softly, breaking character.

"Are you kidding, you freaking blew my head off" Carina said, making both of them laugh, "I don't think I've ever cum that fast before".

Maya kissed her softly, "I'm glad to be of service" she said, giggling with Carina.

The Italian moved on top of Maya, kissing her sloppily before she moved to her neck, and then her boobs. She payed special attention to both of her nipples, sucking and occasionally nibbling them, making Maya's hips jolt with excitement.

"Just a little further down" Maya encouraged, softly pushing Carina's head downwards, making her giggle. The Italian did however do as Maya wanted, and wasted no time in attaching her lips to her clit.

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