You and red in bed

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AN - something went wrong with the last chapter when I first uploaded it, so I had to upload again. If you haven't read chapter two, make sure you do before this one. Enjoy 💛

Walking into Maya's room, Carina saw the blonde sitting at the end of the bed on the phone. They paused for a moment, looking into each other's eyes.

Maya remained silent as Carina straddled her lap, beginning to place kisses on her neck. "He's just a friend... I promise bella" Carina whispered into her ear, before sucking on her ear lobe.

"Can I- erm" Maya breathed out, "can I call you back?" she said to Vic on the phone. "Okay, cool... bye" she said, throwing her phone to the side. She grabbed Carina's cheeks with both hands, "you're so fucking hot" she breathed out, kissing her passionately.

They were so lost in their own little world, lips dancing, hands wandering. They only pulled away when they needed oxygen.

"Wow" Carina breathed out.

"Wow" Maya replied, nodding.

"I'm sorry this is... I don't know what came over me" Carina laughed lightly as Maya wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Oh really? The part where you burst into here, sitting on my lap? Or the part when you kissed my neck and whispered into my ear?" Maya smirked.

"Actually... I don't know" Carina said, "normally I do all of this... everything and more" Carina bit her lip, "but you... you make me so nervous and I feel so many things and it makes me forget everything I know" she laughed and so did Maya.

"You're adorable" Maya whispered, pecking her lips.

"How do I feel like this when we've filmed together a handful of times?".

"I've been asking myself that same question since the first table read" Maya replied, "and as for the nervous thing, I don't know if you've noticed but you make me weak at the knees" Maya giggled and so did Carina. "It's a bonus if I can string a sentence together" Maya laughed.

They walked back downstairs together, holding hands and giggling away.

"Do you want more wine or do you have to leave soon?" Maya asked.

Carina shook her head, "I don't have to leave" she smiled.

Maya wrapped her arms around Carina's waist, "I thought you had very important plans tomorrow" she teased.

Carina leant in to whisper against her lips, "not as important as this... I want to stay" she kissed her softly.

"Do you want to stay over?" Maya asked.

Carina smirked, "wow you're forward".

"No, no I didn't mean it like that" Maya panicked, "I mean if you want it like that then yeah sure" she grinned, "but also if not I want you to stay you know, with me no sex maybe could be if you want" Maya rambled.

"And you're saying I'm adorable" Carina smiled, "I'm happy to stay, with no sex maybe could be too, I don't mind".

"Okay" Maya whispered softly, "do you want to take the wine to bed?".

"You and red in bed... I must be dreaming" Carina teased, grabbing the bottle and walking out of the room. Maya laughed and followed her up to the bedroom, setting everything down. She gave Carina a sleep shirt and they both got changed and into bed.

Cuddling up to one another, they talked about anything and everything. Maya scratched Carina's back softly, "do you think we're making a mistake here? Breaking the professional boundary?" she whispered.

"Do you think we're making a mistake?" Carina replied in the same tone.

"Honestly... no" Maya admitted.

"Neither do I... I can do romance and professional" Carina smirked, making Maya laugh. "Who was on the phone earlier? When I came in here?" she asked.

Maya sighed, "it was Vic". Carina looked at her confused so she continued, "no, no, not like that" Maya giggled, "it was nothing... I don't know where it came from".

"You were trying to make me jealous" Carina grinned.

"Did it work?" Maya bit her lip.

"Oh definitely" Carina whispered, kissing her. Once she pulled away she continued, "I guess I need to explain my situation".

"You don't have to, I'm sorry. I have no right to be jealous" Maya shook her head.

"You do... but let me just say, he was stupid teenager crush turned boyfriend, but we're just friends now I swear".

"Okay" Maya whispered, "I'm pretty happy about that, I can't lie" she giggled, making Carina do so too.

"I'm pretty happy about our characters getting together on the show, I can't lie" Carina replied.

"Oh really, why's that?" Maya smirked.

"Because I can do this..." Carina said, kissing her, "at work and outside of work".

"Aw poor baby thinks this is going to happen again" Maya teased as she pouted.

"Ah I see... fine... maybe I'll sleep in the guest room" Carina teased, getting out of bed. Maya sat up and watched her move towards the door. "Seems a little hot in here though... might have to cool off" Carina said, voice low.

"Holy fuck... Carina" Maya sighed, as she watched the Italian take her shirt off painfully slowly and drop it to the floor, leaving herself in only lace panties.

"I'm not a one time thing kind of girl" Carina stated, "so we better quit while we're ahead".

Maya jumped out of bed and ran to her, pulling her in close, "I'm just teasing I swear... I promise... I want you... I do...".

"You're only saying that because I'm naked" Carina whispered back, knowing full well that wasn't true.

Maya used all the strength she had to step away and pick up Carina's shirt, handing it back to her, "put it back on and come back to bed. I'll show you how much I want you".

A moment passed as their eyes locked.

A smirk appeared on Carina's face, "or you could take your shirt off".

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