You're my home

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"What am I doing?" Maya asked, standing at the side of Vic's car at 4am.

"You're at the airport about to fly to Sicily and save the best relationship you have ever had" she replied.

"Well I know that, but why? We haven't spoken since the other night, she won't answer my calls. Turning up at her parents house is not a good idea. They will just be all yelling at me in Italian. And her sisters, they will kill me!".

"Okay, calm down, take a breath. They're not going to kill you. And you might not have to go to their house. You have her on find my iPhone right? Maybe try and catch her when she's out".

"Okay..." Maya breathed in. "This is either going to be the best or worst thing I have ever done".

"It's going to be the best! Now go get on that flight, have a drink and relax. Get to your hotel, freshen up and then see where she is. You'll be fine".

"I hope so" Maya sighed. "I love you, thank you for giving me a lift".

"Not a problem. Now go get it tiger" she slapped her on the bum, receiving an eye roll from Maya.

A couple of hours later Maya was boarding the plane, straight through to business class. She took her seat and accepted the glass of champagne on offer.

The plane took off and she got cozy, sticking on a film and being forever grateful she decided to travel in comfy sweats.

Hours and hours later, she touched down, getting into a taxi to her hotel.

She was nervous, like really nervous. It's one thing going to an unknown place to surprise Carina, but it's another knowing that Carina is refusing her calls and may flip when she sees her. But it's Christmas after all, she has to try.

Maya was so eager to find Carina she rushed to her room and dumped her stuff. Luckily she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, because she needed a good freshen up.

"Right" Maya shook her head, lifting her case onto the bed to search for her things.

She grabbed her toiletries bag and rushed into the bathroom.

She showered, shaved, washed her hair and brushed her teeth.

Hair was blow dried, makeup was lightly applied and perfume was sprayed. High waisted jeans and a white tee, Vejas to complete the look. Carina's favourite.

Putting her sunglasses on, she grabbed everything she needed, before a quick look again in the mirror.

"Better" she smiled and nodded.

The streets are complicated in Sicily, more so than LA, with lots of little narrow ones that don't quite get picked up on Apple Maps. Finding Carina was going to be harder than she thought.

But then, she heard it. The one thing that could make her happy at the end of the worst day. Her laugh.

Maya's eyes frantically searched around her, finally landing on the most beautiful girl around, standing with a coffee in one hand, handing money over to the man behind the shop counter.

Maya watched from across the street as Carina walked out, unknown to her that she was being watched.

Maya spotted flowers being sold a little further down the street, thinking maybe she should've bought some. Maybe she could sneak off and find Carina again in a minute. Maybe.

But it was too late. Eyes locked.

They stood there for a moment, a road dividing them both, neither of them moving.

Maya stepped forward first, unaware of the Vespa about to knock her over.

"Maya!" Carina gasped as the blonde jumped back just in time. She rushed over to the blonde, "are you ok?".

All I Want For Christmas Is You  Where stories live. Discover now