The Bi Who Lived

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They say during Hogwarts years most of the students meet their life partners and if you don't get one you are probably gonna rot single. Same happened to our story's hero Harry's dad and mom- James and Lily, Harry's godfather and uncle Remus and many other students too. Though Sirius and Remus are not just Harry's godfather and uncle now, it happened one summer when Harry was 2 and half years, he suddenly started saying 'Mama' to Remus. At first both of them thought it was just a childish gibberish but soon they realized Harry calls Remus 'mama' intentionally and that day Remus bursted into tears. After that day, referring Sirius 'papa' started and same reaction was there .

When it was Harry's time to attend Hogwarts both of his parents were there in platform 9 3/4 and he was
in the verge of tears.

"Hey bambi we'll be writing you everyday I promise you. You'll be making good friends there, have fun. You won't be alone"

"Also you'll be getting nice dates there! I'll be giving you best tips prongslet!"

Remus hit him playfully. "Stop it Sirius he's only eleven let him adjust first you idiot ! Always dying to give free dating tips " 

Harry laughed as this was such an usual scenario in their family and hugged both of them while he got loads of kisses from his dads . Hedwig was fluttering in the cage randomly and Harry knew she was bored. The whistle blew and he boarded the train waving at Moony and Padfoot and his journey began.


Harry survived every year from the clutch of Voldemort and other problems and honestly he wasn't scared like hell. He accepted it as his regular life routine , rather if anything wrong wouldn't happen he thought something was wrong. He was happy overall having great friends , family , second family (Weasleys) and magic. But during Sixth year things started changing rather it started changing from the ending of fifth.

He came out as Bi to his family during end of fifth year and as you can think Sirius threw a party lol. But his first reaction was,

"Like father like son!"

"What do you mean Siri?"

Sirius didn't reply rather laughed it off which made Harry go more and more curious. 

"I'm proud of you Harry, we both are. So, how did you find out?"

Harry hugged him tightly feeling the love Moony always did radiate but listening the question he choked.

"Uh- well - "


"NO! NO!- I'll tell you later I promise!"

Remus laughed seeing his reaction , he got an odd kind of dejavu of James uttering something like that to him years ago. When he noticed Sirius, his face was blank too, no wonder he felt the same.

"Okay kiddo, whoever that guy is , I wanna see him. Wait- IS IT OUR RON?! "

Moony bursted out laughing seeing Harry's reaction as if he was about to cry.

"Oh no no no - Hermione gonna kill me if it's Ron , it's not him guys"

"Sirius, leave him , give him time. Have you forgotten how did you react while confessing to Jamsie who did you fancy so better shut up for now"

He got up and started kissing Moony in his face all over Which was such a normal view for Harry cause he saw worse. Yeah.

Since he came out, Ron never stopped calling him as 'the Bi who lived' and they used to have a great laugh. Everything was going on perfectly until that potion class.

They were about to brew a very delicate and special potion - Amortentia...


Word Count- 598

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