The Date

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Jake was at the lake side with his friends. He was chasing one of his friends with a spikey ball. Draco and Blaise after searching their asses off got the glimpse of Jake.

Jake was the smiley, innocent and a sweet guy. He loved loving people and being loved and wanted both. By appearance he had dirty blonde , curly hair and blue eyes . Bluer than the ocean. Fairly tall and chubby.

Draco saw him and waved . Jake's expression could tell he was confused. How come the slytherin prince calling him. A secret, jake had a crush on Draco. No one knew. Not a single soul.
Draco went in front of him and put his hands on his pockets.

"Hey. It's Draco. Umm what's up?"

"Umm it's Jake hi. Everything's good. So.."

"I Know you're confused. It's natural. Actually you know about me and Harry right? Well we broke up- and I think I'm in need of a new start. "

Jake nodded clearly confused still. Is it Rebound? No? Yes?

"And I have a crush on you Jake so .. would you..?"

"Me? Well "

He blushed and then nodded smiling.

"Okay! "


For the date they chose shrieking shack. Draco's mind born idea. Jake was quite uneasy but atlast agreed with him. All the rumours about the place were the reasons that made Jake feel uneasy.

"Draco are you sure?"

"Sure? One hundred percent! Nothing is here I can tell. Don't care about rumours you know"

"I have seen something kind of a shadow here from Hogsmead"

When they were walking upstairs they noticed the first floor was more gloomy. Perfect horror setting. Even if there was really nothing like horror shit happened one would feel still the chills. Jake was a really meek and mild , not so brave guy but for Draco's insistence he went with him , believing him.

There was a piano . A giant one.

"Merlin knows who plays that"

"Probably the g-ghosts... I have heard some guys saying they heard piano on a full moon night-"

"Seriously Jake? "

Draco at this moment took hold of Jake's hand . It was cold. The boy was really really scared.

"I'm here. Please don't get scared. Jake, do you want to go back? We can .."

"No no. Let's stay. You're with me and I got my wand-"

Draco smiled at him and at that moment kissed him which Jake smilingly returned. It was evident that Jake was happy that Draco chose him.

After few minutes when they were roaming here and there Jake screamed his lungs out.


"S-something touched me!!! "



That was a fat ass rat that jumped on Jake and his innocent ass thought it's someone's hand clutching onto him.

Draco immidiately shook that rat off his shirt and Started laughing taking him in arms.

"I'm here Jake heyy... You're safe see. It was just a juicy rat I promise"

He was still shaking but Draco's mind went to somewhere..Harry.

I'm getting glimpse of you in Jake.. Harry will I forget you? Will you forget me?? Merlin knows....

Word Count: 515

So so so sorry for being vanished. I earnestly apologize. I'm literally writing and posting this sitting in my college library only for you guys...<33333 Bye byeeeee

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