That Hexed Paper

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Before starting this part I wanna ask how are you guys doing?

•And , the words in italics are basically the thoughts of the characters.

•If it's some things written on letter or book or anything '|' this sign has been used at the beginning and end of the statement.

Harry was practicing quidditch with his fellow team members after what happened. His face was sore even after he had a painkiller potion. Why Malfoy was sitting like that alone, why did he ask Harry about the blood with that kind of weird expression, why Malfoy didn't join Blaise while 'punishing' Harry and stuff , all these thoughts were clouding in his mind. Specially what he did smell in the potion- he expected it though coming so he was not scared or astonished just a bit drowned in thought.

"Maybe he was trying to act nice so that he can plot against me easily. Stupid Malfoy - "


Ron yelled seeing his best friend on broom as if he was not practicing but was enjoying the view on broom like a poet thinking about his muse.

Harry immidiately came to his senses but the snitch was out of his hand. He chased it as fast as possible but nope it was a fail but something caught his eyes - Malfoy, who had come to the pitch and was standing leaning against a tree far staring at them.

"Huh- came to steal our tactics"

The practice comtinued for 1hour straight then he came down all sweaty and he was gasping. The snitch made him run behind it like a egoistic, stubborn crush.

Malfoy was still standing there and it was evident he was waiting for the practice to stop. Seeing Potter come down he anxiously started fiddling fingers and dropped a piece of paper under the tree. Potter frowned, what was that?

Draco immidiately started walking faster but Harry screamed
"WAIT! DON'T YOU DARE GO . WHAT YOU UPTO EHH?" Draco stopped on his tracks and Harry ran towards him. He had his quidditch cloak hanging on his shoulder, just the see through white shirt was on him. The sweat made it see through to be clear,his hair was messier . Seeing him come near Draco, Draco let out an audible gasp and went wide eyed.

"Is-Is this pitch owned by your dad Pottah?!"

"Don't cross the line you ferret. Tell me what you doing and what that piece of paper is about?Is that hexed?"

"What?! Why would I hex that paper? I don't have that much time to spend on you" He scoffed.

"Sureeee~ that's why you were looking at me all time"

During the whole convo Draco was either looking at the sky or at the smooth green grass avoiding the eye contact with him but in anger he looked up at Harry accidentally and choked. Harry's abs were evident through the white shirt , his face was full of sweat droplets and that goddamn hair.

Potter's damn hot - Draco thought and mentally scolded himself but before Harry could say anything seeing his weird act Draco ran panicking fast.

"The fuck? Oi! "

Harry was confused, literally confused then lifted the piece of paper from the ground which Malfoy did drop. It was a tiny four side folded parchment and something was written in it. He unfolded it with great curiosity about what could it be about that Malfoy dropped for him?

He fixed his specs first then leaned against the tree where Draco had been.

|Meet me at the astronomy tower tommorow at 8:30 pm sharp. Don't let anyone know unless you want my wand shoved down Your throat Potter ! It's important.|


Word Count: 615

This chap is kinda short I know. Extremely sorry 💛

What's your favorite Hogwarts subject ? Mine is History and DADA, Herbology too.

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