Dark Mark

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    Draco couldn't sleep the whole night . All he could get was the horrible thoughts about what would happen next. He felt like a caged bird or an animal of circus unable to do anything on his own will. Draco was trapped he felt it perfectly though in Malfoy household everyone were like trapped, caged either with rules and regulations or fear, dominance.

Narcissa didn't have permission to meet her son on that night after the whole conversation between Draco and his father but as soon as the morning came she tiptoed to his room and knocked. Draco knew it couldn't be his father cause his father didn't know most of time that there's something called privacy and knocking existed besides the way he walked was something he couldn't describe in his words. His footsteps were equal to some assassin's.

"It's mother open the door"

Mother? Why she's here she's not allowed..if father gets to know- Merlin!

Draco slowly opened the door and let his mom in who had a grim and sympathetic look on her face. Narcissa was always close to Draco and vice versa.

"Lock the door"

"Why have you come mother? You're not-"

"For my son if I have to cross line I will, without any fear."

She sat down and Draco too . He could feel himself being torn from inside but the worst thing was he was never a good crier. He could be destroyed, tormented from inside but he won't cry . That is how Malfoy household worked. Smiling, crying, laughing is weakness - Mr Malfoy said which was really horrible.

"I know there must be some misunderstanding going on .. And I tried to talk to him but he wouldn't listen. Whoever told him something regarding you and Harry is really cunning and good in brainwashing"

"...T-there's no misunderstanding going on. I - was really dating Harry and I'm gay mother-"

This time he lost it, he cried . All his body was shaking and he looked like a complete waste. Narcissa audibly gasped. That was reality then?

But Draco was sure no matter what his mother would never abandon him or misbehave with him.

"Come here"

She took him in arms and started stroking his hair and kissing his head. Narcissa was always like this, caring, understanding and loving towards her son.

"I thought your father- okay leave it. Draco, shh don't cry I'm here right? I understand it completely and it definitely doesn't change anything. You were my Draco, still is and always will be my Draco."

Draco Clutched onto her more . He felt weak from inside for the laboured cry though he was about to say something to her when the knob was twisted.

Shit shit shit it's not the time- I want my mother now not you please..

"Open the door, Draco. Dark Lord's here"

His heart skipped several beats.

Voldemort is here? But father didn't say he would come this early! He tricked me-

He looked at Narcissa hopelessly who also had tear in her eyes but for her son's sake she hid behind his cupboard after comforting him.

"It's a shame to even call myself your mother when I am unable to save you from this hellhole.. forgive me Draco. Be brave, be strong."

"Mothe- "

"Open the door Dark Lord won't wait for long!"

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