Mr. Malfoy

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   Harry ran as fast as he could. Blaise was probably right he was the reason for Draco facing the problems , this thought was clouding in his mind. He heard Draco calling him from the distance but Harry didn't response. It hurt him deeply whenever people used to blame him for whatever used to happen and Blaise's words were really much more harsh. Harry ran until he reached to the lakeside hoping Draco wouldn't know he was there but he was wrong. That blonde followed him to make up for everything...

"Harry!! Stop!! Please-"

Draco huffed reaching by him and saw Harry sitting on a giant rock looking at the lake where the giant squid was squirting ink on something. Draco came towards him slowly and looked at him apologetically. He sighed and sat beside him.

"Hey .. I'm sorry"

Harry didn't reply anything just kept staring at the lake until Draco put his hand on his shoulder.

"Blaise.. um forget about him Harry. He's always just too protective of me and he didn't realize he was being harsh. I'm sorry on behalf of him. I don't believe his words I promise"

"He was right though I ruin everything.. but I didn't do it on purpose"

"You did not ruin anything whatever happened happened on it's own"

Harry looked at him and finding the assuring features on Draco's face he calmed down slightly. He took Draco's hand and sighed. It felt heavy from inside , it felt really dumb.

"Just forget about Blaise.. I had few words with him he has stopped now"

"I'm creating problems between you two "

"Don't ever say that. That wasn't your fault but his . He started saying craps so I had to stand up for you.. I would have stood up for anyone even if anything unfair was going on with them.. believe me you're not ruining anything"

Harry nodded and put his head on Draco's shoulder exhaling. It felt good having someone loving . Draco was the last person though Harry thought he had a chance with but there they were. Boyfriends.

After staying there for like half an hour they headed towards their dorm for being fresh and ready for their class. DADA was the only class they had that day since another class they had (Care of Magical Creatures) was dismissed.

"Harry! I can't find my tees! Did you take any?"

"Blimey! Why would I take that? Are you sure you didn't give those for laundry?"


"Sod off Ron .. let's get ready for class otherwise we'll be having detention"

"Third year was best mate your dad was here and we were given some extra facilities too haha! Wish professor Lupin joins again"

"That would be great but you know he can't... Besides Sirius would die without him there"

Harry bursted out laughing and Ron started too. It was true Sirius and Remus were like the epitome of 'Can't live a sec without you'. Harry loved his parents so much even Ron was loved too just like Harry was in Ron's family. And Ron was more of a fan of Remus mostly because of his cooking skills!

(Time skip to the class prior)

All students were hurdling for getting their choicable seats. The corridor was like full of ants going to collect foods using feromon. Only the heads of the students were seen and it looked also like waves from the distance. Amidst all of the chaos someone did stomp on Mr Filch's foot and he was screaming in agony and pain both while Mrs Norris was in his arms curled up still.

Draco was coming with his essentials for the class while suddenly he heard someone's footsteps. He didn't care at first since many students were creating havoc in the distance so the footsteps might be someone's . But his casual act soon turned into something serious as soon as he saw a glimpse of a silver blonde hair . Draco stopped for a clearer view of the source of the sound and glimpse but before that that person stepped infront of him with a known grim expression. His cold eyes were as if about to dissect Draco or could freeze him on the spot.




Word Count- 710

Sorry for being vanished for approx one week I had exams but now I'm back ❤️

Did you enjoy this chapter? Any criticism will be appreciated ofc

What do you think can happen after this? Any idea??

See you all soon Bye Bye<3

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