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This took place before they moved and Jeff snapped and uhhh yea etc. (If you know Jeff's or Liu's story ya know what I'm saying)

3rd person's pov:

Jeff walked through a store glancing at something every so often. He was looking for a present or two for Liu. He's hoping for two since Liu's birthday was also just around the corner, coming 4 days before the upcoming holiday. That's when something catch the boys eye. A chessboard is what catch his eye. Chess is one of the past times for the brothers. Jeff taught Liu how to play checkers when he was four and soon after taught Liu how to play chess. It was one of the few activities that kept the two quiet and calm (to an extent) and a passion they both shared. A good excuse to no be doing homework is also a plus. A smile formed on Jeff's face as he remembered the countless days and nights they spent carefully watching the other's move. He ran his hand through his light brown hair doing the math. Once he was done his smile grew and he grabbed the board.

Time skip to Liu's birthday (if you don't know when that is Google says that it's December 21)

Jeff's pov:

As normal it was just me and Liu for his birthday. Our parents "forgot" about it and decided to go to a party. Stupidly leaving us 8 and now 7 year Olds by ourselves. But we haven't burnt down the house yet. Right now we were just in the kitchen baking some cookies for the event. Well Liu was.... he was better at this stuff than me. I'm just making sure he's not hurting himself, or burning down the house as previously mentioned. "H-hey Jeff can you get a cookie-sheet? I-I c-can't reach." Liu said point where it is. I nodded and grabbed the pan for my little brother and handing it to the smaller brown-haired boy. "So you're now seven Liu. How's that feel?" I teased while hoisting myself up on a counter that Liu wasn't using. "I-it doesn't feel like I'm seven." Liu said with prepping the pan for the cookies. "You'll get use to it." I said. Liu just nodded. Soon enough the cookies were ready for the oven and I put them in ( I did so Liu didn't burn himself). I set a timer on my phone and dragged Liu to the living room. We turned on some cartoons and snuggled against each other.

Mom and dad weren't home so no one could say we couldn't have cookies for dinner. So that's what we did. Had cookies for dinner. "These are really good bud." I said after a few. Liu just smiled since he was still eating one of his. Soon enough we finished and it was time for me to give Liu his present. "Liu close your eyes. Kay?" Liu sent me a questioning look but did as I said. He put his hands over his eyes for extra measure. I chuckled at his antics and went back to my room to grab one of the presents I got him. I grabbed the now wrapped chessboard and went back downstairs. "You can look now." I said placing it in his lap and sitting beside him. Liu opened his eyes and gasped. "J-Jeff? You d-didn't have to. T-thank you!" "You haven't even opened it Liu." I laughed. Liu chuckled and took off the wrapping. He gasped again and hugged me saying thank you continously. "Heh it's no problem Liu." I said returning the hug.

Timeskip to Christmas

3rd person's pov:

Christmas is one of the only days that the Woods family would actually semi spent time together. They all gather in the sitting room. Even if their parents were on their phones it felt enough for Liu. He always felt so happy that he was at least around his parents. Jeff on the other hand felt angry that their sorry excuses for parents didn't even look away from their phones. Something being placed in Jeff's lap tore him away from these thoughts. He looked to see his younger brother squirming excitedly. "H-happy C-Christmas Jeff!" He exclaimed happily. Jeff smiled and tore off the wrapping to see a white hoodie. (Hehehhehe see what I did?) Jeff held it up smiling. It was too big for him but he didn't care. "Thank you so much Liu!" He said while handing Liu his present. Liu took off the wrapping to see two scarfs. The first one was a black and white striped one, and the second was a green and black striped scarf. (Hehehehhehehe :3 I didn't do nothin) "Thank you so much!" Liu was so excited that he skipped over his studder completely. "You're welcome bud, their made for adults so they'll last you a long time. Your other's were being to get too small." Jeff smiled.

Hey guys! I hope you like the story. I needed a break from the depressing topics and it's December. Sooooooo I wrote this. Plus Homicidal Liu's birthday is coming up so that's why the first thing's there. Happy holidays yall!

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