Panic Attack

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Jeff's pov:

Liu and I were in the kitchen making dinner. I'm staying at Liu's place for a bit so we weren't making too much. Liu's chopping up some veggies for dinner and I'm just trying to stay out of the way. Liu's always been the better cook so I normally just let him handle it. Liu wincing slightly snapped me out of my thoughts and I look up to see blood dripping from his finger. "You alright?" I walk over and look at Liu's finger. He just nicked himself with it so he should be fine. "Y-yea just cut myself." I hum in response. "I-I'm gonna go take care of this I'll b-be right back." Liu then left the kitchen. I bounced on the balls of my feet for a little, and figured I'd clean the knife while he's gone. Once I got to the sink I heard Liu come back in the room. "A-alright I'm done-" Liu just froze halfway through. "Liu?" I put down the knife and look over. Liu's gaze was locked on the knife and his breathing was getting rapid. 'Oh gosh no'

3rd person's pov:

Liu's legs gave out and he fell on the floor. Jeff ran over to him and kneeled down to Liu. Liu's breathing was getting rough and faster everytime he took a breath. "Liu calm down, it's alright, you're fine!" Jeff shouted, he wasn't sure how to handle this because he hadn't had to deal with someone having a panic attack for the past seven years. Jeff then pulled Liu into a hug trapping his hands between Liu's body and Jeff's chest. Liu started crying while he was hyperventilating and buried his face into his brother's hoodie.

Jeff's pov:

'Shit shit shit!' I kept repeating in my head. I hadn't dealt with Liu's panic attacks in years and I'm worried I forgot something. I don't want to make it worse for him but I'm scared I forgot something or what he needs changed. I didn't even notice Sully coming out of Liu's head.

Sully's pov:

I come out to see Liu sobbing and Jeff internally panicking. What a show. Rolling my eyes I place my hand on Liu's shoulder and start massaging it slowly. I slowly pull Jeff off of Liu. Who glared at me in return but let me continue. Yes holding Liu while he was like this did work in the past. But the people at the asylums ruined that. They either would forced themselves on Liu and hold him there. Or lock him of a grip and drug him asleep. And that understandably ruined the hug option. The best thing anymore was just to maintain your distance but keep a hand on him so he knows he's not alone. "Don't hug him, you'll make it worse. Only hug him if he hugs you first." I say keeping my focus on Liu. Jeff mimicked my actions and rested a hand on Liu's other shoulder. "What triggered it?" Jeff asked. "You holding a knife with blood on it. You should know what memory resurfaced." I grumbled. I didn't want to tell him but he'd find out one way or another.

Jeff's pov:

Despite how much I hate Sully. It's stupid not to listen to him right now. Sully's been with Liu for the past seven years. And no doubt he had to deal with Liu's panic attacks. What Liu needs definitely has changed and Sully knew what, I didn't. So he and I formed an unspoken truce and focused on helping Liu. Liu remained unresponsive to us for a good few minutes before pulling Sully into a hug. I forced down the jealousy I felt over Liu choosing Sully over  me. 'Liu's just going to who's he's most familiar with right now.' Liu and Sully have been through this before. Sully is who Liu's most familiar with right now. Sully knows what he needs. On top of that Sully is Liu's split personality and they seem to always have an idea of where the other is. So it makes sense

Sully's pov:

I was expecting Liu to hug Jeff not me. So him all of the sudden hugging me surprised me to say the least. I glanced over at Jeff and almost burst of laughing. Jealousy was clear in his eyes and expression. I smirked at him before dropping it and returning my attention to Liu. I wrap my arms around him offering comfort and making sure the grip is loose enough to easily be pushed away. Trapping Liu in something he doesn't want in is the worst way to get him to calm down. I feel Liu grip my jacket tightly and burry his face in my shoulder. His sobbing and the occasional scream is heard, muffled but heard. Jeff flinched at every scream. "Shhhh it's oh kay, I'm here and I'm not gonna let you get hurt. Especially by him." I whispered. I begin to rub circles in Liu's back.

3rd person's pov:

The trio stayed like this for a hour and a half. Sully and Liu hugging and Jeff stayed close. Eventually Liu calms down and falls into a restless sleep. Sully lets Jeff take care of his other side while he makes dinner. Jeff scooped up his brother and carried him to the living room. He sat down with the younger boy in his arms. Jeff and Liu have a long way to go with one another, but both are determined to make it work.

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