Idk what to call this

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Laughing Jack's pov:

My anger was at it's limit. Ever since this kid got here, Jeff has been stressed. Very stressed, he's been ranting about things more. The smallest things are bothering him right now. And it's because of that person! Jeff's my friend, and I don't want him being stressed like this. What's the solution you ask? Simple, fear, just scare him away. Sounds easy enough.

Finding him was easy enough, reading in the living room. Unconcerned over all the problems he's causing Jeff. "Hey," I called out to him. He glanced up, seeing I was looking at him. Before marking his place and setting the book down. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" I beckoned him to follow me, which he did. I lead him to my room. Turning around, I saw him standing by the doorway. Green eyes I've grown to despise gleaming with curiosity. Dark brown hair around a pale face, normally completely expressionless. A single hand holding the scarf always around his neck.

"Come on, I don't bite." Which is true, I claw people to shreds instead. But that was left unsaid. Uneasy, he took another step into the room. I walked past him and closed the door, locking it. He saw that action and changed from slightly cautious, to very cautious and on edge. "Soo, you know Jeff right?" I said clasping my hands together. Instead of responding vocally, he nodded his head. "Alright so uhhhh-" My mind blanked over his name, snapping my fingers I tried to recall it. "What's your name again?" I asked, giving up. "Liu...?" He said, looking confused. "Right that's right. Anyways, do you know how he's been behaving lately?" I steered back on course.

"No, we don't really interact." Liu said. He was in a defensive stance, still on edge. "Well he's been acting out of character. You know why?" I said walking forward. Forcing Liu to take steps back. "I.... don't." He said, hands pressing against the corner I backed him into. "Jack, why are you asking me this. What do you want?" I smiled, a hint of fear lied underneath his words. 'He's scared, perfect.' Pressing a claw against his chin not enough to draw blood, forcing him to look at me. "It's rather simple really. Ever since you showed up. Jeff's been acting like this." I pressed harder, blood began it's way down his neck.

"I don't know why though! I don't deal with him!" Liu said raising his voice slightly. I pressed harder, making him wince. "Don't raise your voice with me boy." I said trapped his hands above his face with my free hand. My claws digging into wherever they met flesh. Liu nodded, the fear growing in his eyes. "Now listen closely. I don't care if you interact with him or not. But this is obviously bothering him. And I know you're stuck here for awhile. So you're not to interact with him, you can't even see him. Do we understand each other?" I looked him dead in the eyes. "And if I don't?" He challenged.

I smiled, moving my hand that didn't hold him place. "It's rather simple really." I quickly raised my hand and slashed his cheek, right through a part of his carved smile. Eyes squeezed shut, Liu twisted his head away, grimacing in pain. I admired the three marks my claws left behind. His hands struggled against mine, trying to free himself. Smiling while wondering how to cause further distress, my eyes fell on his scarf. I tighten it around his neck, blocking off his air way. Keeping it there until the only thing holding him up, was me. Releasing my grip on his hands, he crumpled to the ground, then letting the scarf loosen around his neck.

"Do we understand each other?" I repeated, daring him to say no. Leaning over him, showing how I could continue. Hand brushing against where his scarf chocked him, he nodded slightly. Eyes full of fear, but otherwise expressionless. "Good, now get lost. And never mention this to anyone."

Liu's pov:

As soon as my door closed, I leaned my weight against it, thinking over what happened 'I wasn't expecting that for sure.' 'Why didn't you let me handle it?!' Sully practically screamed in my head. 'I didn't want you to make things worse.' I replied, rubbing my temples. Just what I needed, a migrane. 'It would've have been better than what you did! You gave into him like a weakling.' I walked over to the bathroom that was attached to the room. Looking in the mirror, I saw the marks L.J left behind. 'No wonder it hurt.' 'You shouldn't have let him!' Sully's screaming was combined with his desire for L.J's blood, making my vision blurry. 'Sully please, I can't focus.' I leaned against the counter, having trouble with my balance. My hand around my scarf, my mind going back to being chocked.

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