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I was in my house. But how? How was I here? Everything aligned with my memories. Expect the blood was now fresh. I felt queasy looking at my parents' corpses. Organs and blood splattered across the room. The gun they tried to shoot me with still in my father's grasp. Wait.. wait... Liu! My feet instantly started moving. My heart was pounding in my chest. Please please please don't let him be hurt! I rushed towards his door and instantly heard his voice. I threw open the door and..... I saw myself. I was standing over him. I was holding a knife. I was trying to hurt him! I rushed forwards, trying to grab my arm. But it felt like I was walking through jelly. I heard Liu's voice. Begging for me to stop, to just stop and say something. "Leave him alone!" I screamed to myself. I was ignored as I watched myself raise my knife. I could do nothing as I got ready to stab my brother. A hand gently shaking my shoulder sent me reeling.

"Jeff, Jeff, it's a dream. Wake up." A voice accompanied the shaking. I instantly rushed to sit up. My chest was heaving, my heart was pounding. Every breath didn't feel like enough. I saw something shift out of the corner of my eye. A hand brushed against my own. I gripped the thing like a lifeline. And looked towards him. Forest green eyes stared into my blue. Face pressed together in worry. Slightly shaggy dark brown hair... Liu.

Upon seeing my little brother, I threw my arms around him. The action caused him to still but he quickly wrapped his arms around me. I buried my face into his shoulder. "Y-you're here. You're a-alive." I told myself. Inhaling the scent of the forest that so often followed him. I felt one of Liu's hands start to comb through my black tangles. "I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. Do you remember what happened before this?" Liu asked, obviously trying to get my mind away. I complied going back to earlier. "I-I dragged you to bed with me. We fell asleep together?" I mumbled into his shoulder, clutching fistfuls of his shirt.

I hear Liu hum, gently undoing a knot in my hair. "Good good. Now, what's five things you can see?" I took a deep breath. "I see the blanket. I see you. I see the clouds outside the window. I see our picture on the nightstand. I see my hoodie on the floor." Liu hummed again. "Good job buddy. Let's do four things you can hear now. Oh kay?" He spoke calmly, gently. I nodded. "I hear your heart, your breathing. I can the tick of the clock. The wind outside." Liu gave me a slightly squeeze.

"Excellent, three things you can smell?" As Liu and I continued my heart calmed down. "I can smell the air from when we had the window open. I can smell your shirt. I can smell Smile from when he was in here." Liu leaned against the headboard. My head fell against his chest. My eyes fell close as I continued to listen to the thumping of his heart. Taking reassurance in the calm comforting tone of his voice. 'He's here, he's alive. Not dead.' I reminded myself.

"Alright one last time Jeff. Two things you can feel?" My eyes remained closed. "I can feel you, I can feel the blanket." I mummered. Hearing Liu hum in approval. His hand didn't leave my hair. I could feel how he was pushing as much love and comfort in every touch as he could. I felt stable I felt grounded. "...thank you. Where did you learn that?" I asked him. I could hear Liu's smile in his voice. "Sully taught me. Do you want to try and sleep some more?" I buried myself deeper into his shirt. "Only if you stay." I mumbled, already feeling sleep on the verge. Before I fell back into the void. I heard a quiet.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."

Jeff the killer and Homicidal Liu oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now