Some random Bs

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Sooooo it's been awhile huh? Well I'm not done yet. So here's some random crap for no reason!


Au: Liu didn't become a killer like Jeff and went into Foster Care. Jeff learned that he lived and has been 'keeping an eye on him'. Liu gets sick of being watched all the time and confronts him.

Liu's pov:

I didn't need to look to know. The itching on my skin told me enough, I was being watched again. I tried not to react because I was walking home from school, and people were still around me. It's pointless to send everyone into a mass panic, and will probably cause them to hate and put more distrust to me. Turning a corner I managed a quick glance. Barely visible unless you knew, leaning against a tree trying somehow blending in. 'How does he do that? He's wearing a white hoodie for crying pit loud!' I heard a familiar hum of agreement from the depths of my mind.

Thankfully it seems Jeff doesn't want to bother me today, just stalk me again. 'It's werid how calming we take to being stalked..' I resisted the nod of agreement I almost did. 'Probably because it happens all the time nowadays.' 'True.' I cut the conversation short as I heard one of my foster parents in the background. "Welcome back, how was school?" She asked smiling. I shrugged before walking away. Mrs. Patterson is nice, don't get me wrong. She doesn't deserve to get dragged into my life, I tried to ignore her as much as I can.

My first foster family was a nice older couple. They were both really nice and tried to help me, but unfortunately Jeff didn't like that and got mad. As he does anymore, he killed them. Ever since it's been like walking a tightrope, they're abusive or rude they get killed. They're nice and supportive, I show signs of becoming close to them, they get killed. It's best to maintain the safe medium and just pretend not to care. I opened the door to my room and close it behind me. Going over to my desk, I tried to let my homework distract me from the itch of being watched.


Jeff's pov:

Waiting for Liu to go to bed was like watching paint dry. He's been as his desk ever since he went in here. I drummed my fingers against my thigh impatiently. It has to be somewhere around 1 in the morning. Yet he's shown no sign of being tired. 'Geez Liu, go to be for the love of Zalgo.' How hard is homework that he stays up this late studying? I peek through the window again. Still there, his hair was covering his eyes, face being supported by his one hand. Pencil tapping against the wood absent-mindedly. Only stopping to take a note or two.

I just hope Slender isn't mad about me staying out this long. He knows I keep an eye on my brother, but he hates whenever we're out for a long period of time. I sigh running a hand through my hair. 'What am I going to do with you?' I ask myself, looking at my little brother. There's no way he knows I'm here, and yet he's been awake for so long. Like geez you get up at 6 Liu! Go to bed already?

3rd person's pov:

Jeff didn't notice the window he was by open. "You done yet?" A tired voice asked the brooding killer. Jeff jumped and looked over to see his brother right by the window looking at him. Looking tired and fed up. "W-what?! H-how?!" The killer stumbled. Confused on how he knew. The younger rolled his eyes. "I knew when you first started. Now can you be done with your crap and leave me alone?" He said getting right to the point. Jeff sucked in a breath. "I'm that obivious?" He asked purposely ignore the younger's question. "Yes." Liu replied exhausted. "Oh..."

Jeff stood in an awkward silence. Embrassed by the fact he knew this entire time. "Wait, if you knew then why didn't you call the police?" He demanded thinking aloud. "And deal with another foster family? And the trauma of you killing this one? No thanks, I'll pass." Liu deadpanned. Jeff blushed pink from embrassment. "I feel like an idiot now." Liu nodded uninterested. "Can you please leave now?" Jeff, too embarrassed at this point. Left without problems or further comments. But he was back at it by tomorrow.

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