prologue | you go on green

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The greenhouse was full of enrapturing smells. Sweet floral fragrances, the sharp smells of grass and ferns, the sour smell of fruit. Taller plants reached over the other shelves and reached the ceiling, and hugs potted plants were as tall as the girl tending to them all.

"Juniper, the car's waiting outside." Said a tall woman at the glass doorway.

The girl, Juniper, flicked a red haired curl from her face, and scowled, "I don't want to go, Mum."

"Too bad, darling. You have to." Said Juniper's mother. "Your father thinks it's best for you."

"Dad's a dryad, you're a witch. You can both teach me and I'll be fine." Said the girl agitatedly. "All I need to know are spells and botany."

Juniper's mother firmly said, "Juniper Marceline Carrow, fetch your things and get in the car."

Sighing sadly, Juniper bade her plants a hearty goodbye, and left the greenhouse.

As she got in the car, she told her father, "Be sure to water the plants every day. Succulents only when they begin looking brown, and--"

"Darling, I am a dryad. I know how to take care of plants." Chuckled Juniper's father.

"Hm," she hummed doubtfully, "If I sense even one of my plants dying, the consequences shall be severe."

"Have a lovely time, dear." Grinned Marceline, her mother. "We'll call you when we get the time."

"If you get the time." Juniper scowled. "Goodbye, mum, dad." She got in the car and watched her black cat sleep on the other side of the passenger seat.

"That was a bad idea, wasn't it, Kelpie." She asked the napping cat. Awoken by the question, the little cat meowed in such a way, that it sounded like a 'yes'.

"It's stupid, this damn school." Scoffed the girl. "Like, can I not just be in the greenhouse all day?" She leaned forward, addressing the chauffeur, "You agree with me, isn't it, Mr. Vixen?"

"Well, you see, Nevermore Academy is quite the school. I think you'll make a great many friends there." Replied the old man. Mr. Vixen was the family butler, chauffeur, and odd-job man. He had taken good care of Juniper when she was a baby, and was a trusted member of the family. He had taken care of her many older brothers as well, all of whom were much older than her.

"I've been going there for the last four years, Mr. Vixen," she sighed, "One would think I'd have made a whole posse of friends by now. Except for Enid, of course. She is such a dear little thing."

"Your mother and father both were not quick at making friends," he admitted, "I'm sure you will make some this year. I have a gut feeling."

"I hate the idea of sending me there," she scoffed. "Like, if you can't look after me, atleast don't ship me off to a bloody boarding school."

Mr. Vixen simply chuckled, thoroughly amused.

Sighing in annoyance, Juniper simply sat back and slept the long ride through.

This was going to be a long year.

First chapter! Lmk how it was!

Comment and vote lovelies <3

Have a fabulous day/night!

With love and hugs,
Daisy Rose

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