seventeen | decisions

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Juniper was silent while they walked back to the dorms, sparking Wednesday's slight confusion. "Cara mia," the goth said quietly, "Is something wrong?" 

"I don't want you going to the dance with Xavier," said the dryad, looking down at the ground they trampled. "I want you to go with me." 

Wednesday stopped and faced the taller girl, who refused to meet her gaze. She used two fingers to gently push the dryad's face towards her, so that Juniper's kind blue eyes locked on her empty black ones. Wednesday said, "I know you do. Asking out Xavier was just a decoy. I told you, we can't be public with our relationship, because the monster might attack you to get to me." Seeing Juniper's downcast expression she added, "But, on the night of the dance, I know for sure that I will require some 'alone time',  after the first five minutes of being with his overwhelmingly dull personality, for the rest of the evening." 

Juniper smiled a little and bent down, pressing a soft kiss to the goth's cold lips, smiling as she pulled away. "You devious little thing," she chuckled, linking their index fingers together. "Always plotting in that smart head of yours." 

"Stop it, you're making me want to throw up. And not in a good way," said the goth, as they continued walking. 

"Whatever you say, love," the dryad chuckled, as they walked home in silence. 

--Time Skip--

"Oh my God! Wednesday Addams is going to the Rave'N, my whole world is tilted!" Enid squealed, earning a groan in response from Juniper. "You know what you need?"

"A bullet to the head?" Wednesday shot back. 

"Possibly a coincidental case of food poisoning?" Juniper added right after.

"A dress," the werewolf said. 

Frowning, Wednesday replied, "I already have one."

"Not the one you showed up here in! That thing was a fashion emergency not even lightning could resuscitate," admitted Enid. "Thing, Junie, back me up here."

While Thing dropped down in a thumbs-up, Juniper sat on the floor and played with her cat, saying, "Sorry, Winnie, but she's right." 

"Cara mia, keep one eye open at night when you sleep from now on," the goth threatened. The dryad stood up and smiled impishly as she giggled, "You don't scare me, love."

"I should," frowned Wednesday.

"Reality differs from expectation, my love," said the dryad, kissing the pale girl's cheek.

"And I know just the place for the dress shopping, you guys!" Enid squealed, before dragging them into town.

--Time Skip--

"What kind of dystopian hellscape is this?" Wednesday asked, an epic look of horror plastered over her pale face as the three of them stood in front of Jericho's best clothing store, 'Hawte Kewture'. It was chock-full of dresses, and each one had so many frills, Juniper wanted to pluck out her eyes and douse them in acid. Something which she was sure Wednesday wanted to do, too.

"I personally prefer suits, so I'm gonna pass," Juniper said. "Can I go?" Before she could leave, she felt a cold index finger wrap around her warmer one.

"Stay. Here," hissed Wednesday, "Else I'll make sure you won't be able to walk for a week."

Blushing profusely and feeling her stomach flutter at the statement, (whether it was out of fear or attraction, the dryad had no clue) the redhead's ears grew pointed, as she tried to redeem herself, "I--er--jesus, can I just go over there and die--?" 

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 - 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now