twenty nine | can't be without you

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Juniper trashed her entire bedroom. Plant pots broken, spell jars shattered, duvet cover torn up, and walls with slash marks across the paint. She sat and cried amidst the destruction, and was so engulfed by her heartbreak that she didn't hear the door open. A worried Lyssa entered the wrecked room, and immediately ran to the sobbing girl's side.

"Pers..." she whispered, kneeling in front of the wailing dryad. "Pers, what happened?"

"Go away," whimpered Juniper. "You're just going to hurt me."

"I'm not here to hurt you, little girl," said the pixie. "I promise. I hurt you once, I swear on my head I'll never do it again." Using her index finger, she gently pushed the dryad's face up so that her watery blue eyes met her hazel gaze. "Now tell me, who did this to you?"

"Wednesday..." at the mention of the goth's name, a sob racked through the dryad's body, making her quiver in pain. "She accused me of--of helping the--the monster to k--kill people. I never--I never hurt a fly!"

Seething and trembling with anger at such a heavy accusation against the girl, Lyssa tentatively put an arm around the softly whimpering witch, who leaned into her touch gratefully. "Is this okay?" The pixie asked, settling beside Juniper comfortably.

"Yes," nodded the dryad, sniffling. "It is."

So the two sat amongst the wreckage of Juniper's dorm room, the witch seeking comfort from Lyssa, who had her arms wrapped around her securely. The dryad buried her face in the fabric of the pixie's mint and honey scent, one which she didn't know she had missed for so long. Putting a hand up, Lyssa stroked the other girl's hair tenderly, knowing every way to keep her calm.

Slowly, after having cried her precious, broken little heart out, Juniper drifted off to sleep, trying not to have any prophetic dreams.

Deciding to be kind, with a wave of her hand, yet not moving to wake the redhead, Lyssa made sure the dryad's room was put right again. She used nature magic to carefully fix up the plants, the (thankfully) nature-devoted spell jars, the slashed walls, as well as the shredded duvet.

She lifted the smaller girl clean off the ground and carefully placed her on the bed, making sure to keep her warm and cozy, just to keep the nightmares away.

Before leaving, Lyssa kissed her hand and placed it on Juniper's forehead, as if transferring the kiss, and whispered, "Sweet dreams, little girl."

Looking back at the exhausted dryad one last time, Lyssa woefully shook her head and walked out, closing the door quietly behind her.

--Time Skip--

As Wednesday got ready to leave for her 'girl's night out' with Enid, her heart hurt. She decided against telling the blonde about what happened between her and Juniper, knowing her plan would get disrupted. She felt a pang of regret, remembering the look of betrayal and hurt which had graced the dryad's gentle features as she'd walked away. Yet the one which hurt her the most was the fear in Juniper's eyes as the knife had caressed her skin.

Her gaze landed on the black orchid which was still on her shelf, and something in her said that she'd need atleast one petal tonight.

Sighing in annoyance, she took the bewitched flower and carefully wrapped it up in a handkerchief, before pocketing it carefully.

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 - 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now