twenty seven | tiring people

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Juniper stood in a field, mist hanging over her surroundings like wisps of cotton. Her bones chilled and she reached out for Wednesday, feeling about in frantically when she felt the goth's absence.

"Winnie?" She called out, her voice echoing in the vision. Her breathing elevated when a snarl sounded in the far, far distance, and she called out yet again, more desperately, "Wednesday!"

Her nerves were calmed ever so slightly when Liliope emerged from the shadows, looking beautiful as ever.

"Beware, young one," said the Elder dryad. "The one who adores you shall be poisoned by their own thoughts very soon, and it will be catastrophic on thy loving heart."

"Lady Liliope," sighed the dryad, "Would it be so hard to maybe speak in normal words rather than riddles?"

"I have always conversed in such a manner. I don't see why I should change my way of speaking for your modern convenience," the elder dryad replied.

"My apologies," sighed Juniper. "But I wish to know why you have such an inclination to talking in riddles."

"Unfortunately, my child, us elder dryads are not permitted by the Earth Mother and our patroness to speak of prophecy in any other way," sighed Liliope. "Heed my warning, young one. And even in tough times, do not lose sight of yourself."

With those words, Juniper awoke with Wednesday staring down at her in concern.

"You look pale, cara mia," said the goth, helping her significant other up. She checked her over, and added, "You were muttering and convulsing. Not the sign of a joint vision."

"Well," sighed the dryad. "I guess it's just a psychic problem."

—Time Skip—

Juniper sat on her girlfriend's bed, reading one of the goth's manuscripts. She was deeply intrigued by how tightly and intricately the story was framed, with no loopholes whatsoever. Even the crime scenes were so deliciously complex and detailed, that the dryad's more bloodthirsty side yearned to be there in person.

She looked up when Thing crawled onto Wednesday's shoulder, making the girl say in a monotone, "Careful, that's my cold shoulder."

"My love," sighed Juniper in a slight warning tone. "He was just trying to be caring." 

"Exactly," said Enid. "Don't blame Thing. The party was my idea."

"Everyone deserves to be celebrated on their birthday," added the dryad, standing up and placing her hands on Wednesday's shoulders from behind, leaning down to rest her chin on the girl's head affectionately.

"I prefer to be vilified," said Wednesday, placing her free hand on one of the redhead's which was on her shoulder.

"What happened? It looked like you were having a seizure," admitted the werewolf,

"I wasn't that lucky," said the goth.

Sighing, Enid asked, "Can I at least get some kudos for pulling one over on you?"

Feeling Juniper encourage her with a small squeeze on the shoulders, the black haired girl reluctantly agreed, "The subterfuge was impressive."

"Called it! Told you she'd find it cool," Juniper grinned at her best friend, who laughed.

She moved her hands from Wednesday's shoulders, making the goth frown, "Why did you move?"

Thing crawled out from under the bed, pulling a big trunk out.

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 - 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now