forty one | betrayal

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Juniper stood in the greenhouse, humming to herself as she tried to keep her racing thoughts at bay. She was already in crippling pain, thanks to her major blunder not too long ago. Guilt hung in her chest, heavier than a truck, and she felt a stab of agony shoot through her system at almost every heartbeat.

'Is this what dying feels like?' She thought, carefully repotting some begonias. 'Random bouts of pain?'

She sighed to herself and mumbled, "Maybe I deserve it..."

"June Bug," said Marilyn, entering so soundlessly that her words made the dryad almost drop the clay pot in her hands on her foot. The woman apologised and continued, "Sordy about that. Um, I will be on the other side of the greenhouse, so holler if you need me for anything okay?"

Juniper felt another piercing pain stab through her body and refused the urge to double over in pain, smiling through it as she nodded, "Of course, Aunt Marilyn! I'd never dream of disturbing your work."

The redhead smiled and nodded, before she walked back towards the other end of the greenhouse, where there were a few long tables with some bubbling fluids atop them.

Kelpie meowed at Juniper, his eyes shining as she winced and doubled over, clutching the table of plants so hard her knuckles went white. Her body was on fire, as if someone was blowtorching her insides with a psychotic fervour.

"I'm...fine..." she said through gritted teeth at her justifiably worried cat. With great effort she straightened herself, breathing deeply as she continued to work with trembling hands and a dying soul.

She was so engrossed in her work and distracted by her pain, Juniper didn't notice someone entering the greenhouse. She gasped in fright when she felt someone wrap their arms around her waist as press a kiss to the back of her neck, but relaxed immediately when she realised who it was.

"Winnie?" Grinned the dryad, turning in her girlfriend's grip and looking at her. "When did you get back?"

"A few moments ago," said the girl with a smirk. "My mystery is slowly solving itself."

The dryad grinned and pressed a loving kiss to her partner's dark lips, savouring the feeling as she knew it wouldn't last forever.

"I believe I have to confront someone," sighed the goth, moving away from her girlfriend with the utmost reluctance.

"What?" Asked Juniper with a frown, "Who?"

Weems interrupted before Wednesday could say something candidly, earning a glare from the goth. She said, "I doubt you need to worry about that, Miss Carrow."

"Principal Weems," sighed the rays, "As Wednesday's girlfriend, I should know if she is choosing to take a decision that could be uncomfortable for her in any way whatsoever."

Weems chuckled and walked over to Juniper with a small smile, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder in a motherly way, saying, "You remind me a lot of what I was like when I was your age, Juniper."

The girl had to take a deep breath and ignore another stab of pain going through her system, as she laughed, "As the almost-mother figure in my life, I am not surprised."

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 - 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now