eight | boys and bees

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Juniper stood over a mortar and pestle, mixing two roots together to form a foul-smelling powder. She'd never liked making the Sirens' face cream, but sadly, as the only dryad-witch hybrid in the school, she had no other option but to listen and deliver on the students' demands.

Her mood was already sour, as her mother and father had sent her a letter, asking if she'd merged with her familiar yet. It was a thing in their family. The female witches all had familiars, who would merge with them on the day of Venus. Which was a Wednesday of any week, any year after the witch turned sixteen. She'd come of age about six months back, which annoyed her. It was all her parents cared about. Not to forget, they'd been trying to set her up with some boys of their friends occasionally, maybe in hope of keeping the Carrow family name clean. Why, of course they wouldn't want a sapphic to ruin their perfect bloodline.

She muttered to herself, "Why yes, mother and father, I am settling in now. I've got Enid, I've got Xavier, not to mention that a pretty girl named Wednesday Addams has joined and I think I might fancy her. Speaking of, did you know that I'm sapphic?"

Her annoyed thoughts and scenarios paused, when all of a sudden, the glass inside which a few cinnamon sticks were soaking in water, grew a crack down its middle, the water leaking out towards her grimoire.

"Shit!" She exclaimed, hastily wiping the water away and throwing the glass, after emptying it of its contents into another one. "Those Scales and their high-pitched notes." Her cat looked at her in concern and meowed, making her scoff, "I know they can't sing that high but who else sings in this godforsaken school?"

Kelpie looked at her as if he were raising an eyebrow, making her roll her eyes at him, "Oh don't give me 'the look'. I've got no other person to blame."

"You talk to your cat?" Wednesday's voice came from behind, startling the life out of the poor dryad. Kelpie yowled and leapt atleast a foot in the air, wings outstretched and claws extended. His fangs were bared at the black-haired girl, who was unfazed.

"Don't scare me like that, Winnie." Juniper scowled. "I would've chucked a pestle at you!"

"The last person who threw something at me ended up buried six feet underground." The other girl replied.

"What brings you to my humble...abode?" The dryad questioned, turning back to the powder she was making.

"Weems wants me to be a part of some club or the other for me to be a 'well-rounded' student." She replied. Looking around, she asked, "Is nobody part of this club?"

"It's more like a solitary practice one can take without label." Juniper replied.

"Basically it's not a club." Wednesday simplified, a bit of hope sliding away from her.

Juniper chuckled, sending a small flutter up Wednesday's spine. She hated that feeling.

"Yeah, this isn't a club. I think you'd like the beekeeping club, though. Eugene is quite a sweet boy. Not to forget, he's in desperate need of friends." The dryad smiled, flicking a red curl out of her face.

"Thank you for the suggestion." Wednesday nodded. She thought for a moment and said, "Come with me."

"I've got to finish up with this face cream, unfortunately. Otherwise I'd have gone with you the minute you walked in." Said the redhead, nodding at the mortar, inside of which a fine powder of bloodroot and turmeric rested giving off the odour of burning eggs.

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 - 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now