two | knockin' on death's door

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The sound of tins clanking against one another were slightly irritating to Juniper's ears, for the redhead was normally used to the peace and quiet of her beloved greenhouse, or the melodies from her piano. She was, however, quite good at the sport, which was a bit of solace to her.

She had just beat out Enid for the tenth time, earning a groan of annoyance from the blonde's end.

"Jesus, you're like a maniac with that thing." Panted Enid, as Juniper helped her up again.

Just then, the sound of tin against tin suddenly stopped, and Juniper immediately knew why. Her blue eyes landed on a black uniform-clad, pigtailed girl, who was none other than Wednesday Addams, walking into the arena.

"Oh, you must be the psychopath they let in." Bianca sneered, her bright blue eyes looking at Wednesday with slight distaste.

"You must be the self-appointed Queen Bee." Came the black haired girl's monotone, "Interesting thing about bees. Pull out their stingers, they drop dead."

"Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defense. He's not helpless, he's lazy." Bianca sneered.

"Are we doing this or not?" Asked Wednesday in a challenging tone.

"En garde." Said the coach.

In seconds, Bianca was defeated, which meant a point to the pigtailed girl. However, the Siren didn't give up easily. Instead she evened out the score.

"Something tells me Wednesday's about to lose her..." Before Juniper could finish, Wednesday suggested a military challenge. Which meant no helmets or tips, winner drew first blood. This prompted the redhead to complete her statement and exclaim, "...shit."

The two fought viciously, and neither of them yielded. However, it was evident that Wednesday wasn't happy when Bianca's sword tip whistled through the air sharply and struck right above the paler girl's brow. Touching the dripping blood in slight disbelief, Wednesday backed off the mat. 

"Your face finally got that splash of color it so desperately needed." Bianca sneered. 

"Back off, Bianca." Juniper scoffed. Coach motioned for the redhead to take Wednesday to the infirmary, and she obliged. Turning to Wednesday, she hovered her hand above the girl's shoulders to lead her to the infirmary.

"I noticed you have a cat." Said Wednesday. "Black, that too. A symbol of evil omens, witchcraft, and superstition." 

"He's probably around here somewhere. I let him wander around till whenever he pleases. But, he always comes back before 10:00." Shrugged Juniper. 

"Interesting." Came the other girl's monotone. 

In the infirmary, a young boy named Rowan sat, getting a new inhaler. 

"You're Wednesday, right?" He asked, as a nurse washed the cut on the girl's forehead. He decided to go on, eager to make conversation. "Rowan. I know how you feel." 

"I guarantee you don't." Said Wednesday quickly. 

"My mother promised me I'd finally fit in somewhere. I never thought it was possible to be an outcast in a school full of outcasts. But it looks like you're gonna give me a run for my money." Seeing her unamused face, he said, "Uh...Sorry about the... nick." 

"No good deed goes unpunished." Said Wednesday. When Juniper didn't move, she raised an eyebrow, "Juniper, you coming or are you just going to zone out amongst the stench of disease and disinfectant?" 

Blinking rapidly to snap herself out of the daze she'd brought upon herself, Juniper stumbled over her words, "Uh--no--I need to--I need to check on my gay--I mean--my plants." 

Unconvinced, Wednesday walked out of the room. Juniper stood there, wondering why she'd spiralled into a gay panic at that moment. She had indeed been thinking about how graceful yet dangerous Wednesday looked whilst sparring, but that wasn't enough to induce a gay panic onto her. Besides, she'd only just met the girl. There wasn't anything she knew that could allow a crush on the murderous girl. 

"Gay crisis?" Rowan guessed, standing up. 

Running a hand through her hair, Juniper sighed, "You know it, man." 

--Time Skip--

Outside it was pouring. The ran came down in vengeful sheets, making small rivers flow between the cobblestones of the quad, and drenching anyone without an umbrella. Juniper was one of those caught, but for good reason. She was looking at her marigolds which were blooming wonderfully in neat rows, ready to be picked soon for flower crowns by Miss Thornhill. 

Her sharp ears caught the sound of footsteps through the torrential shower, and she turned to see none other than Wednesday walking with an umbrella, her face looking blacker than the thunder which boomed overhead. Noticing the stone gargoyle above her moving, Juniper was quick to react as she leapt in for a rescue, shoving the pigtailed girl out of the way as the gargoyle fell on the exact place she'd been standing mere seconds ago. A chunk of sharp rock caught Juniper on the arm, but the rush of adrenaline made the pain nonexistent.

Concerned upon seeing the unconscious girl, the half-dryad called for help. Help ended up being Xavier Thorpe, the school's 'tortured artist'. And her best friend. He lifted the unconscious Wednesday in his arms and both him and Juniper dashed to the infirmary.

"Well. Doesn't hurt to be back here twice." Juniper rolled her eyes. "Great." 



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