thirty nine | last goodbye

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A violent, howling wind tore through the air, summoning hundreds of whispering voices, all of which surrounded Juniper, ruffling her hair and hitting her face fiercely. Her bandanna flew off somewhere in the crypt, and the knife stayed gripped in her cold hand.

She came to her senses as Marilyn stumbled and fell, and the dryad's eyes cleared out completely. Her gaze fell on the bloodied knife in her hand as well as on Lyssa's dead body. The wind stopped suddenly, vanishing in a breath as nature's work had done its job, and Gaia freed a spirit from someone's control.

A cold horror spread over Juniper, seeping from her head down to her toes, making her body go numb with horror. She dropped the knife and let her hand fly to her mouth, as she gasped.

"Did I—did I do this?" Gasped the girl. "Did I just—did I just kill Lyssa?"

Seeing this as an opportunity to use her guilt against her, Marilyn nodded sadly, "I'm afraid you did. You scared me there, June Bug. She said some things to you, and you just...lost it."

Juniper rushed to her friend's cold, lifeless figure, kneeling beside it as she pulled the dead girl into her embrace, cradling her in her arms as sobs racked her body.

"I'm sorry, Lyssa, I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to, please come back, I'm sorry..." Juniper wailed like a child, burying her face in the pixie's hair, rocking her back and forth.

A sudden rage came over her as she turned to Marilyn, screaming, "Tell me you're lying! Tell me that this is some sort of sick joke!"

Shaking her head, the woman whispered, "No. I'm not lying."

Juniper gasped and immediately shuffled away from Lyssa's body, her bloodied hands clasped to her chest as she shuffled back against the stairs. Her eyes stayed wide open, as she stared at the body before her, her breathing growing irregular.

Suddenly, she screamed as loud as she possibly could, tearing her throat open with the sound, making it echo around the crypt and forest. It was a long, drawn out scream, full of heartbreaking pain and regret.

Marilyn took a step back, nodding at Tyler, who was hiding in the shadows and had seen the whole ordeal.

He emerged and began to pick up the body to throw it away, but was stopped as in a flash of red and green, Juniper had punched him in the face, and was holding the dead pixie to her chest.

Her eyes glowed green menacingly as she snarled, "Don't touch her, you piece of filth! Don't you fucking touch her."

"June Bug, come on, let him take care of it," said Marilyn.

"No!" Exclaimed the dryad, her grip tightening as she desperately kept Lyssa close to her. "It's my blunder. I killed her. So I will bury the body. Following nature spirit rules."

"Alright," said Thornhill. "I'll leave you to it."

She then left Juniper alone, to the girl's astonishment, and led Tyler to the car.

Turning back to Lyssa, the dryad's hands shook as she desperately used her magic to try and bring the girl to life. It was useless, as the pixie's soul had already been collected by their patroness.

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 - 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now