four | escape plan

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Juniper stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself. Her curly hair was put up beautifully, and she donned a suit fit for a prince. She noted how she was in a house she didn't know. The room was like a typical boy's, but the only difference was the well-made bed. The house seemed otherwise empty, due to absence of sound. Looking at the décor and the posters on the walls, she assumed it was around the nineties or late eighties.

She was utterly confused. What was she doing here? She looked at the mirror again and gasped, seeing that instead of her curly mop of red hair, it was straight and an odd brown, long till her shoulders, and her face was a boy's. Her outfit changed to a t-shirt and jeans, which was when she caught sight of her face. Hooked nose, sharp jaw, tall, well-built. Basically everything a girl back then would fancy.

She felt pain rip through her and glanced down, seeing blood bloom in her chest. Her hair turned straggly with water, and her outfit turned wet with...rainwater? She let blood fall past her lips, and her world tipped and finally turned upside-down, sending her down a chasm of darkness.

She stood in the middle of the woods, feet bare. She felt like one with the ground beneath her, and her feet tugged to the earth's core, as if she'd grown roots. Two horns of red wood curled down the side of her head, round her ears, which had pointed tips, like a pixie's. Bright flowers donned her hair, and her blue eyes were a shocking green. A clump of poison ivy leaves and sharp twigs made a crown around her head as well. Her skin bore cracks from which tiny flowers sprouted, indicating that she was, indeed, in her true form.

In front of her loomed a cave, its mouth menacing and black, from which agonized screams emitted.

This was a recurring theme in her dreams. Sometimes they were prophetic, other times they merely woke her with quickened breath and sweat-drenched skin.

She couldn't move, and felt the soles of her feet split open and allow gnarled roots to plant her in place painfully. Unlike her other nightmares, it didn't end there. Her world tipped again, and she was this time standing in front of a massive painting of Joseph Crackstone.

From her lips came four words. Four chilling words which were not terrifying at face value, but were horror-inducing at their core.

"I shall raise you."

Juniper gasped and awoke, face planted on her notebook with the reading lamp on. She'd been noting on her gigglewater plant, and must've fallen asleep. The dream unsettled her greatly, but she paid it no mind. However, questions still lingered.

Who was the boy with the long hair? Who was screaming in that cave? And most importantly, what kind of psychopath would want to raise Joseph Crackstone from the dead?

All three musings remained unanswered, and stayed at the back of her mind till lunch, when Principal Weems pulled her aside.

"Miss Carrow." Said the taller woman, "It has come to my attention that you are quite close to our latest arrival, Miss Addams."

"Closer than she'd personally like to admit." Nodded the redhead. "But why do you ask, if I may?"

"I am off to town with her, for her weekly appointment with the therapist in Jericho. Perhaps you could tag along discreetly, keep an eye on her for me when I am not around?" Said Weems.

"So basically, you want me to spy on her for your own gain?" Juniper scoffed.

"Consider it a way of bonding... coincidentally." The woman said.

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 - 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now